Kubernetes Cost Report

Kubernetes Cost Report screenshot 1
Kubernetes Cost Report screenshot 2
Kubernetes Cost Report screenshot 3
Kubernetes Cost Report screenshot 4
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Kubernetes Cost Report screenshot 6
Kubernetes Cost Report screenshot 7
  • Kubernetes Cost Report detailed by

    • Cluster

      • OnDemand InstanceType

      • Spot InstanceType

      • Total Daily Cluster Cost (gauge) (timeseries per instance)

      • Idle Daily Cluster Cost (gauge)

      • Available Daily Cluster Cost (gauge)

      • Underutilization Daily Cluster Cost (gauge)

      • Usage Daily Cluster Cost (gauge)

      • Shared Daily Cluster Cost (gauge)

      • Total Monthly Persistent Volume Cost (gauge)

      • Daily Cluster Cost per Instance Type and Capacity Type (bar gauge)

      • Daily Cluster Cost per Instance Type and Capacity Type (graph)

      • Daily Idle Cost per Instance Type and Capacity Type (bar gauge)

      • Daily Idle Cost per Instance Type and Capacity Type (graph)

      • Daily Underutilization Cost per Instance Type and Capacity Type (bar gauge)

      • Daily Underutilization Cost per Instance Type and Capacity Type (graph)

      • Daily Shared Cost per Instance Type and Capacity Type (bar gauge)

      • Daily Shared Cost per Instance Type and Capacity Type (graph)

    • Namespace/Instance

      • Daily Underutilization Cost per Namespace Type (bar gauge)

      • Daily Requests Cost per Namespace Type (bar gauge)

      • Daily Usage Cost per Namespace Type (bar gauge)

      • Daily CPU Underutilization Cost Per Namespace (table)

      • Daily CPU Requests Cost Per Namespace (table)

      • Daily CPU Usage Cost Per Namespace (table)

      • Daily Memory Underutilization Cost Per Namespace (table)

      • Daily Memory Requests Cost Per Namespace (table)

      • Daily Memory Usage Cost Per Namespace (table)

      • Monthly PV Cost Per Namespace (bar gauge)

      • Monthly PV Cost Per Namespace (graph)

    • Pod Per Namespace

      • Daily CPU Underutilization Costs Per Pod (table)

      • Daily CPU Requests Costs Per Pod (table)

      • Daily CPU Usage Costs Per Pod (table)

      • Daily Memory Underutilization Costs Per Pod (table)

      • Daily Memory Requests Costs Per Pod (table)

      • Daily Memory Usage Costs Per Pod (table)

      • CPU Requests vs Usage Per Pod (graph)

      • Memory Requests vs Usage Per Pod (graph)

      • Memory Usage Per Pod

      • Daily CPU Underutilization Costs Per Pod (graph)

      • Daily Memory Underutilization Costs Per Pod (graph)

      • Daily CPU Requests Costs Per Pod (graph)

      • Daily Memory Requests Costs Per Pod (graph)

      • Daily CPU Usage Costs Per Pod (graph)

      • Daily Memory Usage Costs Per Pod (graph)

      • Monthly PV Cost Per Pod


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