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NATS JetStream

NATS JetStream Dashboard.

Dashboard to dispaly NATS JetStream metrics from prometheus-nats-exporter (https://github.com/nats-io/prometheus-nats-exporter)

Every effort will be made to keep this version updated for easily importing into Grafana directly, but the source of truth is stored in the Prometheus-nats-exporter repository on GitHub, specifically:

Note for Helm Deployments: When deploying the Prometheus NATS exporter via the standard Helm charts, the metrics prefix is overridden from gnatsd & jetstream to nats. You can either simply do a find & replace for these prefixes and replace them in the dashboard, or use the grafana-jetstream-dash-helm.json file (where this has been done already).dashboard, or use the grafana-jetstream-dash-helm.json file (where this has been done already).

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