Slurm Cgroups

Metrics collected by the cgroups_exporter.

Slurm Cgroups screenshot 1

This dashboard visualizes data collected by the Prometheus cgroups_exporter running in Slurm mode on an High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster that utilizes the Slurm scheduler configured with TaskPlugin=task/cgroup. The dashboard visualizes per-node metrics at the job-level for jobs that run across multiple nodes in a cluster.

Metrics include:

  • Per-CPU usage: When there are multiple jobs running on a single node, this dashboard visualizes only CPUs utilized by a given job on that node.
  • Total CPU usage: Shows the total CPU utilization for only those CPUs scheduled to your job on each node.
  • Memory usage: Likewise, this dashboard visualizes the memory utilized by only a given job, even if multiple jobs ran on the same node and utilized memory.

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