Tracks metrics from Valheim server using mbround18/valheim docker and cadvisor
Tracks info about a running Valheim server using mbround18/valheim-docker and cAdvisor
Note that Valheim player count metrics do not work for LAN servers. You must have your Valheim server set to PUBLIC
and have port forwarding setup for your steam query port (Valheim Port number +1), as player count metrics are pulled from the Steam API. If you are running multiple Valheim servers, make sure each server has their own dedicated steam query port number.
To set this up, use this example docker-compose.yml
And use the following scrape configs for your prometheus.yml
- job_name: cadvisor
- targets: ['cadvisor:8080']
- job_name: valheim
- targets: ['valheim:2459']
Data source config
Collector config:
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