Wordpress statistics dashboard

Wordpress statistics dashboard includes: - Top 5 pages - Top browsers - Top 10 Referring Sites - Top Engines - Total Visitors - Total Online Users - Total Visits - Top 10 Countries (Count Visitor) - Top 10 Countries (Hits) - Visit & Visitor in the last 10 days

Wordpress statistics dashboard screenshot 1
Wordpress statistics dashboard screenshot 2
Wordpress statistics dashboard screenshot 3
Wordpress statistics dashboard screenshot 4
Wordpress statistics dashboard screenshot 5
  1. install “WP Statistics” plugin for Wordpress https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-statistics/
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Add MySQL datasource in Grafana to access “WP Statistics” data
  4. Change query tables name
  5. Add this dashboard (13191) into your Grafana Dashboard by using import function Or look at my preview video that showing you how to add MySQL datasource and add dashboard into Grafana Video link on YouTube: https://youtu.be/QCoRvr44ibs?t=252

Get this dashboard

Import the dashboard template


Download JSON
