
Predefined dashboards to observe any Redis database using Redis Data Source. Requires Grafana 7.1+.

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Redis Datasource Dashboards

This dashboard lets you observe any Redis database using the Redis Data Source for Grafana.

The Redis Data Source for Grafana is a plug-in that lets you connect to any Redis database, on-premises or in the cloud. You get out-of-the-box predefined dashboards, and you can build customized dashboards to monitor Redis and application data.


These dashboards work with any Redis database on any platform.

If you’re looking for Prometheus-based metrics for Redis Enterprise or Redis Cloud, see the following dashboards:

Available metrics

This dashboard exposes the following metrics:

  • Operations per second
  • Connected clients
  • Number of Keys, Expired and Evicted Keys
  • Network (Inbound, Outbound)
  • Memory (Used Memory, Used Memory Peak and LUA, Memory Limit and Total System memory)
  • Uptime and Version
  • Eviction Policy
  • Client connections
  • Command statistics
  • Slow queries log
  • Redis cluster


Requires Grafana 7.1+ with a new backend plug-in platform to the support the Redis Data Source for Grafana.


Please take a look at the documentation to learn more about this plug-in and its features.

Redis Enterprise

Redis Enterprise

by Grafana Labs
Grafana Labs solution

Easily monitor Redis Enterprise, the enterprise-ready version of the popular database, with Grafana Cloud's out-of-the-box monitoring solution.

Learn more

Get this dashboard

Import the dashboard template


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