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1 OpenEBS Dashboard

This dashboard gives overview of OpenEBS installation in cluster.

Special Plugin dependencies:

  1. Status dot
  2. single stat

Variables to be edited: OpenEBS namespace has been set to “openebs” which can be changed as per your env.

latest dashboard JSON: dguyhasnoname/k8s-day2-ops/grafana/dashboards/openebs_by_dguyhasnoname

This dashboard give overview of OpenEBS installation in k8s cluster at cluster. At OpenEBS level you can find below details:

  1. OpenEBS version installed
  2. OpenEBS dataplane SLO
  3. OpenEBS error budget
  4. OpenEBS replica status
  5. CPU/mem utilisation by OpenEBS pods
  6. count of ready/waiting/terminated/OOMkilled pods
  7. Number of PVCs
  8. Count of ready-only PVCs

Error budget has been calculated on basis of 98.999999999999999% availability. SLO(availability) has been calculated for data plane pods only.

This dashboard is battle tested. Please feel free to leave comments if you have any inputs for improvement.

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