njmon for AIX Grafana 6.6.2 new graph types

Use njmon on AIX showing the new graphs which arrived with Grafana 6.6.2. The single stat with mini graph very good for monitoring lots of server or lots of stats. The Bar Graphs are super cool and so many options! Definitely worth the upgrade. njmon for AIX is v50+ This template uses a variable $HOST based on the server hostname in the data.

njmon for AIX Grafana 6.6.2 new graph types screenshot 1
njmon for AIX Grafana 6.6.2 new graph types screenshot 2
njmon for AIX Grafana 6.6.2 new graph types screenshot 3
njmon for AIX Grafana 6.6.2 new graph types screenshot 4
njmon for AIX Grafana 6.6.2 new graph types screenshot 5

Use njmon/nimon for collect the AIX data in InfluxDB

Grafana Agent

Grafana Agent

by Grafana Labs
Grafana Labs solution

Easily monitor metrics and logs from a Grafana Agent instance with Grafana Cloud's out-of-the-box monitoring solution.

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