Terra Network Dashboard

A dashboard for Terra blockchain (https://terra.money/) node using Prometheus. This dashboard shows several important metrics of default terra metrics collected by Prometheus. Maintained by dsrv labs (http://www.dsrvlabs.com) and please take a look at https://www.dsrvlabs.com/blog/news/monitoring_for_terra/ for more information.

Terra Network Dashboard screenshot 1

This is a simple Terra blockchain dashboard used to monitor Terra nodes using Prometheus metrics exported by terrad. terrad does not provide prometheus metrics by default and you have to configure terrad to enable prometheus metrics. This dashboard works with terrad v0.2.3. Only several important metrics are shown in this dashboard. Please feel free to improve it :)

This dashboard is maintained by dsrv labs.

Visit Monitoring/Alerting for Terra nodes with Prometheus and Grafana for more information.


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