Storj SNO

Storj Storage Node Operator v2 & v3 dashboard.

Storj SNO screenshot 1

Storj SNO dashboard

Dashboard for Storage Node Operators, for both v2 and v3 nodes.


For v3 SNO:

  • Docker network traffic: network traffic reported by Docker. Includes local traffic, does not reflect (yet) outbound paid traffic.
  • Storage size: size of the data folder
  • STORJ val.: the current value of your STORJ tokens (EUR or USD)
  • STORJ tok.: your STORJ tokens balance, from Etherscan’s API.
  • Alerts: Grafana alerts statuses.
  • Images CPU: CPU allocation usage by images reported by Docker. Usually a fraction of your physical CPU, depends on your Docker configuration.
  • Load AVG: Physical CPU load moving average.
  • STORJ Price: price of STORJ tokens, from’s API

For v2 Storj farmers:

  • Reputation: your node reputation (max 5000) from Storj’s API
  • Response time: your node response time from Storj’s API

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