This session is for Visa employees only and registration with a business email is required.

Watch this exclusive, highly interactive, virtual technical session created specifically for Visa. In this video, our experts share aspects of Grafana Enterprise, advancements in visualization, metrics (Prometheus), logs (Loki) and traces (Tempo) using Grafana Cloud. You’ll also hear from your Visa teammates firsthand as they share their stories and best practices in Grafana, Prometheus and Loki.

Whether you are just getting started with monitoring or you are a Grafana expert, watch this video that covers the following topics in the agenda below.


  • Introductions, History and Business of Grafana
  • Visa Observability team will share their stories on Grafana, Prometheus for enterprise system monitoring
  • Correlating Your Data with Grafana
  • Visa Security team members will share their stories on Grafana
  • Grafana Tempo Overview and Q&A with Joe Elliot, Tempo maintainer and Principal Engineer
  • Grafana Loki Overview and Q&A with Ed Welch, Loki Tech Lead and Engineering Manager
  • Q&A, Wrap-up

Ed Welch

Principal Software Engineer, Grafana Labs

Ed has a varied career history of software development, including robotic control systems, vehicle fleet tracking, and telecom middleware. He has worked at both startups and large enterprises, and is now a Principal Software Engineer at Grafana Labs, where he leads the Loki project.

Joe Elliott

Principal Software Engineer, Grafana Labs

Joe Elliott has been working as an SRE/Devops/Infrastructure person with Kubernetes for the last 4 years. Currently a Principal Engineer at Grafana, he is the creator of Tempo, a Jaeger maintainer, and has contributed to the OpenTelemetry Collector, Loki and Cortex. When he’s not at the keyboard or wrangling kids, Joe likes to get out on his bike.

Soumya Prakash Datta

Staff Software Engineer, Visa

Soumya has been working as a developer in Opera team for last 6 years. He has contributed in building and maintaining Opera data pipeline and Alerting system.

Shankar Viswanathan

Director of Cybersecurity, Visa

Alex Ma

Principal Solutions Engineer, Grafana Labs

Travis Cella

Strategic Account Executive, Grafana Labs