
How to get started with tracing and Grafana Tempo

What you'll learn

  1. Why Tempo?
  2. Getting started setting up Tempo
  3. How to discover traces without native search
  4. Upcoming Grafana exemplar support
  5. Upcoming Prometheus exemplar support

Along with metrics and logs, tracing is one of the three pillars of modern observability. Grafana Tempo is a high-volume distributed tracing backend whose only dependency is object storage. Unlike other tracing backends, Tempo can hit massive scale without a difficult-to-manage Elasticsearch or Cassandra cluster.

In this session, we will use an instrumented application to demonstrate how to use logs and Prometheus exemplars to find traces effectively in Tempo. The demo will hit on the basics of operating Tempo and reveal how Tempo allows us to scale tracing as far as possible with less operational cost and complexity than ever before.

Additional resources to explore:

Your guide

Wided Agrebi
Wided Agrebi
Solutions Engineer