
Advanced alerting with Grafana Machine Learning

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Advanced alerting with Grafana Machine Learning

What you'll learn

  1. Complementing your existing alerts by transcending static thresholds
  2. How to account for holidays, such as Black Friday, in order to reduce noise when creating adaptive alerts
  3. How to use outlier detection to alert on misbehaving instances within a group; for example, are your load-balanced Kubernetes pods receiving equal traffic?
  4. When to choose these advanced features over static thresholds for best results

Learn how to augment your static alert thresholds with Grafana Machine Learning. Let us determine when your alerts should fire, predict the future state of your system, or identify misbehaving series within a group. Grafana Machine Learning enables previously impossible scenarios for alerting, with minimal effort.

Additional resources to explore:

Your guides

Ben Sully
Ben Sully
Senior Software Engineer
Yasir Ekinci
Yasir Ekinci
Principal Engineer