<– Workshops

Introduction to Loki and Grafana Cloud Logs

  • Calendar icon September 24
  • Clock icon
  • Location icon Convene, 225 Liberty St, New York City
Registration is closed

Hands-on workshop on best practices for logs

Grafana Loki hit some big milestones over the past year: 20,000 GitHub stars and 100,000 active clusters, and with the 3.0 release, even better performance at ever higher scale. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn about the easiest way to get the benefits of Loki: Grafana Cloud Logs, a fully managed logging system powered by Loki that lets you bring logs from all your applications and infrastructure together in a single place. Guided by our expert solutions engineers, you’ll learn best practices and workflows for shipping, exploring, querying, and visualizing log data in Grafana dashboards.

In this interactive session, you will:

  • Understand the fundamentals of collecting and shipping logs to Loki and Grafana Cloud Logs
  • Learn how to ship your OpenTelemetry logs to Loki and Grafana Cloud
  • Experience the power of the Explore Logs app for quickly navigating through vast amounts of log data
  • Learn how to uncover valuable insights from log patterns
  • Explore the advanced log query capabilities of Loki and Grafana Cloud Logs
  • Engage directly with our Grafana Labs team to get your pressing logging questions answered

Workshops are only available for in-person conference attendees and are all held at the same time on September 24.
