Open source

Style conventions

Consider this non-exhaustive list of technical writing techniques and styles when you write technical documentation. For questions you might have that aren’t addressed in these guidelines, refer to the Google developer documentation style guide.

Focus on user goals

Before you begin writing, clearly identify the goal of the user, and write content that supports the user reaching that goal.

  • Don’t document implementation details, specifications, or backend system operations that have no clear consequence to the user.
    • Providing unnecessary information can lead to bloated content that forces the user to determine which content is relevant.
  • Avoid marketing clichés and hyperbole.
    • Instead, use evidence-based or quantifiable language to focus and refine the information, and to offer value propositions.

Avoid mentioning other companies

Avoid mentioning other companies in technical documentation. Competitive content belongs in marketing materials.

There are some situations where you must mention another company, such as in data source plugin documentation or a migration guide. Otherwise, avoid doing so.

Address users clearly

To address users clearly and directly, use second person (“you”) and avoid first person (“I”, “our”, or “we”). Use first person plural pronouns like ‘our’ carefully. Don’t use ‘we’ when you’re talking about the reader, instead use ‘you’. You can use ‘we’ when you’re talking about Grafana Labs.

Write directives in the imperative second person where the unspoken ‘you’ is implied.

Avoid making the user or their role, such as system administrator, the subject of a sentence, as in: “Users configure the Cloud using a secure shell.”.


  • You can use first person in UI elements that are specific to the user, such as My profile or My account.
UseDon’t use
Click Yes to accept the license agreement.The license agreement is accepted when you click Yes.
To create a dashboard, add a panel and specify a data source.To create a dashboard, you add a panel and specify a data source.

Write in active voice

When you write in active voice, you identify the subject of the sentence and the action that the subject performs. For example, “John drove the car” is active voice because it’s clear that John (the subject) performed an action (drove). The passive voice variation is “The car was driven by John.”

UseDon’t use
After you create a dashboard, add a panel.After the dashboard has been created, the panel can be added.
Click OK to save the dashboard configuration.The dashboard configuration is saved when the OK button is clicked.

Write simple words, sentences, and paragraphs

Simple, direct communication is the key to effective technical communication.

  • Use short words whenever possible, such as “use,” not “utilize.”
    • If possible, replace “use” and its variants (utilize, make use of) with a more descriptive verb.
  • Make your sentences shorter than 25 words.
    • If you can remove a word without losing meaning, do so (typical culprits: there is; there are; in order to; it is important to; keep in mind).
    • Consider writing shorter sentences or using a bulleted list if you find yourself writing long sentences.
  • Use simple verbs and tenses.
  • Consider the characteristics of your audience when choosing a term.
  • Don’t use buzzwords or jargon.
  • Keep paragraphs to three sentences or less.
    • Condense the text, add more headings, or do both.
  • Use contractions in common and negative cases to express a conversational style: you’re, that’s, isn’t or _don’t_, for example.

Make content relevant to the user’s context. The more familiar you are with the user’s context, the better you can communicate without using a lot of words.

Write in present tense

When you write in present tense, avoid words such as have, has, had, been, should, would, and will.

However, similar to Google’s style guide, you can use future tense (will) when writing tutorials or to make it clear that an action that will occur in the future.

UseDon’t use
The panel opens.The panel will open.
The system prompts you to verify the deletion.The system will prompt you to verify the deletion.
After you log in, your account begins the verification process.After you log in, your account will then begin the verification process.
In this tutorial, you will:

Be positive

Write positive sentences instead of negative sentences. Positive sentences are easier for the user to understand and are usually shorter than negative sentences.

UseDon’t use
The visualization updates with data after you click Apply.The visualization won’t update with data until you click Apply.
Remember to involve your users in the dashboard creation process.Don’t forget to involve your users in the dashboard creation process.

Write scannable content

Users often scan content rather than read. Long blocks of text minimize readability as they bury information.

Use the following techniques to make content easier to scan.

  • Write important information first.
  • Place actions before explanations.
  • Use short, bulleted lists.
  • Use headings to divide content.


For a discussion about lists and tables, refer to the Lists page in the Google developer documentation style guide.

Ordered lists

Ordered lists are also known as numbered lists.

For guidelines when writing numbered lists in Markdown, refer to Numbered lists.

Unordered lists

Refer to the following guidelines when you write unordered lists.

  • Begin list items with a capital letter unless there is a strong reason not to. For example, when you list case-sensitive parameters.
  • If they’re complete sentences, end list items with a period. If one item in a list ends with a period, then apply periods to all items in the list.

For more guidance, refer to Lists in the Google developer style guide.

Definition lists

Definition lists often used for providing a list of a term and indented definition. For example, you can use a definition list to document commands and their meanings:

Creates a feature
Creates more than one feature
Sample additional features

To create a definition list, add the term on a new line then add a new line with a colon (:) along with the definition.

For additional information, refer to the Definition Lists from the Markdown Guide.

Sort lists

Sort lists and table rows alphabetically unless the order is important to understanding the information in the list or table.

You should use refer to instead of see or check out when referencing another document.

Give the reader a sense of what to expect in the reference. Don’t use generic references, such as “Refer to [this file].”

As much as possible, use the exact title of the page or section you are linking to as the link text.

For example:

For more information about Grafana Labs products, refer to [Grafana documentation](/docs/grafana/latest/).

For more comprehensive guidance, refer to Write useful link text


For direction on how to style numbers, follow the Google style guide except in the case of ordinals. An ordinal number is a number that indicates the position or order of something in relation to other numbers, like first, second, third, and so on.

For ordinals, write out first through ninth. For 10th on, use numerals.


To focus a user’s attention, Grafana Labs documentation includes notes, cautions, and warnings.

To standardize styling, each admonition has a special shortcode declaration. The following sections provide examples how to write each type. For the complete syntax reference, refer to Shortcodes.


A note provides additional information that the user should be aware of. Notes are the most common admonition.

The syntax for a note admonition is as follows:

{{< admonition type="note" >}}
This page describes a feature for Grafana 9.0 beta.
{{< /admonition >}}

On the published page, this note renders as follows:


This page describes a feature for Grafana 9.0 beta.


A caution warns the user to proceed with caution. A caution emphasizes a course of action’s potential downsides.

The syntax for a caution admonition is as follows:

{{< admonition type="caution" >}}
By disabling authentication requirements, anyone can access your Grafana instance.
There is a considerable security risk associated with this.
{{< /admonition >}}

On the published page, this caution renders as follows:


By disabling authentication requirements, anyone can access your Grafana instance. There is a considerable security risk associated with this.


A warning informs the user not to do something. Warnings are reserved for actions that could cause harm to hardware, software, or data.

The syntax for a warning admonition is as follows:

{{< admonition type="warning" >}}
Don't back up your dashboards in Grafana.
You might not be able to recover a dashboard if it's deleted.
{{< /admonition >}}

On the published page, this warning renders as follows:


Don’t back up your dashboards in Grafana. You might not be able to recover a dashboard if it’s deleted.

Semantic line breaks

The Semantic Line Breaks organization suggests adding semantic line breaks in your writing . Adding a line break after each sentence makes it easier to understand the shape and structure of the source text

With line breaks:

When you write in active voice, you identify the subject of the sentence and the action that the subject performs.
For example, "John drove the car" is active voice because it is clear that John (the subject) performed an action (drove).
The passive voice variation is "The car was driven by John."

Without line breaks:

When you write in active voice, you identify the subject of the sentence and the action that the subject performs. For example, "John drove the car" is active voice because it is clear that John (the subject) performed an action (drove). The passive voice variation is "The car was driven by John."

The HTML output is the same in both cases. However, the first is easier to review and edit and is less subject to the screen and text editor settings of each contributor.

Text formatting

It’s a good idea to take a consistent approach to bold, italic, and other text formats.


Use bold formatting (**) when directly referring to UI elements.

When you’re referring to an abstract UI element, such as a role (Admin, Editor, Viewer), without directly referencing the UI, don’t bold the word. Capitalize the word and use it as an adjective, followed by the noun that it’s describing. For example:

Users with the Viewer role can't edit settings.

You can use bold inline with other prose in a table, but don’t use bold for the entire contents of a cell, even if it’s a UI element. For example:

TitleText entered in this field appears at the top of your panel in the panel editor and in the dashboard. You can use variables you have defined in the Title field, but not global variables.

You can use bold for the first sentence in unordered lists that are followed by more information.

  • Thing: About the thing.

Use bold to indicate paths within a web application, and greater-than symbols (>) to indicate path separators. For example:

To add an administrator to the list of local users, navigate to **Appliance** > **Configuration** > **Access**.

Don’t use bold to draw attention to a word or phrase within a sentence, instead use italic emphasis.


Use italic formatting (_), to emphasize a specific word or phrase. This is particularly useful when defining a term for the first time.

For example:

The Prometheus data model is arranged into metrics that consist of a timestamp and a sample.


Use code formatting (`) to refer to:

  • File names
  • Configuration options
  • User input
  • Code in text/inline text
  • Class and method names, status codes, and console output