
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

Configure TLS communication

Tempo can be configured to communicate between the components using Transport Layer Security, or TLS.


The ciphers and TLS version here are for example purposes only. We are not recommending which ciphers or TLS versions for use in production environments.

Server configuration

This sample TLS server configuration shows supported options.

  tls_min_version: VersionTLS12

    cert_file: /tls/tls.crt
    key_file: /tls/tls.key
    client_auth_type: VerifyClientCertIfGiven
    client_ca_file: /tls/ca.crt
    cert_file: /tls/tls.crt
    key_file: /tls/tls.key
    client_auth_type: VerifyClientCertIfGiven
    client_ca_file: /tls/ca.crt

Valid values for the client_auth_type are documented in the standard crypt/tls package under ClientAuthType here.

Client configuration

Several components of Tempo need to configure the gRPC clients they use to communicate with other components. For example, when the querier contacts the query-frontend to request work, the client in use must enable TLS if the server is serving a TLS endpoint.

The Tempo configuration uses a standard configuration stanza for each of these client configurations. Below is an example of the configuration.

The optional configuration elements tls_min_version, tls_cipher_suites, and tls_insecure_skip_verify may be omitted. The option tls_server_name may or may not be required, depending on the environment.

  tls_enabled: true
  tls_cert_path: /tls/tls.crt
  tls_key_path: /tls/tls.key
  tls_ca_path: /tls/ca.crt
  tls_server_name: tempo.trace.svc.cluster.local
  tls_insecure_skip_verify: false
  tls_min_version: VersionTLS12

The configuration block needs to be set at the following configuration locations.

  • ingester_client.grpc_client_config
  • metrics_generator_client.grpc_client_config
  • querier.query-frontend.grpc_client_config

Additionally, memberlist must also be configured, but the client configuration is nested directly under memberlist as follows. The same configuration options are available as above.

    tls_enabled: true
    tls_cert_path: /tls/tls.crt
    tls_key_path: /tls/tls.key
    tls_ca_path: /tls/ca.crt
    tls_server_name: tempo.trace.svc.cluster.local
    tls_insecure_skip_verify: false

Receiver TLS

Additional receiver configuration can be added to support TLS communication for traces being sent to Tempo. The receiver configuration is pulled in from the Open Telemetry collector, and is documented upstream here.

An example tls block might look like the following:

  ca_file: /tls/ca.crt
  cert_file: /tls/tls.crt
  key_file: /tls/tls.key
  min_version: VersionTLS12

The above structure can be set on the following receiver configurations:

  • distributor.receivers.otlp.protocols.grpc.tls
  • distributor.receivers.otlp.protocols.http.tls
  • distributor.receivers.zipkin.tls
  • distributor.receivers.jaeger.protocols.grpc.tls
  • distributor.receivers.jaeger.protocols.thrift_http.tls