
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

DocumentationTempo documentationSet up a Tempo server or cluster
Open source

Set up a Tempo server or cluster

Tempo is available as a pre-compiled binary, a Docker image, and as common OS-specific packaging.

This section describes how to set up Tempo on a single Linux node or as a cluster using Kubernetes and Tanka. Tempo can also be set up as a distributed set of services.

This page highlights these steps; more detailed instructions are available on the procedures for installing Tempo.

Deploy Tempo

Choose a method to deploy Tempo:

You can also use Docker to deploy Tempo using the Docker examples.

Test your installation

Once Tempo is deployed, you can test Tempo by visualizing traces data: