
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

Version 1.3 release notes

The Tempo team is excited to announce the release of Tempo 1.3.

Features and enhancements

  • Search In addition to the existing search of recent traces, support has been added to search traces in the backend store. Refer to Tempo search for details.

  • Improve ring functionality The compactor ring automatically forgets about unhealthy ring members.

  • Protect instances from very large traces The ingester keeps track of traces that exceed the configured maximum size, extending protection from very large traces to after the traces are flushed to disk.

  • Expose additional metrics These new metrics are exposed:

    • tempo_limits_overrides
    • tempo_limits_defaults
    • tempo_ingester_live_traces
    • tempodb_compaction_outstanding_blocks
  • Azure credentials may be set in the environment Instead of setting values in the configuration, environment variables may specify AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_KEY.

Upgrade considerations

When upgrading to Tempo v1.3, be aware of these breaking changes:

  • PR 1142: The OpenTelemetry Collector’s GRPC receiver’s default port changed from 55680 to 4317.

  • PR 1174: Configuration option querier.search_max_result_limit is renamed to Configuration option querier.search_default_result_limit is renamed to

  • PR 1173: Removed the deprecated Push method from tempopb.Pusher.

Known issues

  • Grafana does not yet support the tempoBackendSearch feature toggle to enable searches in the backend datastore.

Bug fixes

1.3.1 bug fixes

  • PR 1260 mapno: Fixed a panic that occurred when using etcd as the ring’s backend storage.

1.3.2 bug fixes

  • PR 1295 joe-elliott: Fixed an issue which corrupted the start/end time ranges of Tempo searches that targeted ingesters.