
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

Bad Blocks

Queries fail with an error message containing:

error querying store in Querier.FindTraceByID: error using pageFinder (1, 5927cbfb-aabe-48b2-9df5-f4c3302d915f): ...

This might indicate that there is a bad (corrupted) block in the backend.

A block can get corrupted if the ingester crashed while flushing the block to the backend.

Removing bad blocks

At this moment it’s not possible to repair a bad block. The only solution is to remove the block, which can result in some loss of data.

The mechanism to remove a block from the backend is backend-specific, but the block to remove will be at:

<tenant ID>/<block ID>