Documentationbreadcrumb arrow Grafana Tempobreadcrumb arrow Managebreadcrumb arrow Configure Tempo overrides through the user-configurable overrides API
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User-configurable overrides

User-configurable overrides in Tempo let you change overrides for your tenant using an API. Instead of modifying a file or Kubernetes configmap, you (and other services relying on Tempo) can use this API to modify the overrides directly.



User-configurable overrides are stored in an object store bucket managed by Tempo.


We recommend using a different bucket for overrides and traces storage, but they can share a bucket if needed. When sharing a bucket, make sure any lifecycle rules are scoped correctly to not remove data of user-configurable overrides module.

Overrides of every tenant are stored at /{tenant name}/overrides.json:

├── 1/
│   └── overrides.json
└── 2/
    └── overrides.json

Tempo regularly polls this bucket and keeps a copy of the limits in-memory. When requesting the overrides for a tenant, the overrides module:

  1. Checks this override is set in the user-configurable overrides, if so return that value
  2. Checks if this override is set in the runtime config (configmap), if so return that value
  3. Returns the default value

Supported fields

User-configurable overrides are designed to be a subset of the runtime overrides. Refer to [Overrides]/docs/tempo/latest/configuration/#overrides for information about all overrides. When a field is set in both the user-configurable overrides and the runtime overrides, the value from the user-configurable overrides will take priority.


processors is an exception: Tempo will merge values from both user-configurable overrides and runtime overrides into a single list.
[forwarders: <list of strings>]


  [processors: <list of strings>]
  [collection_interval: <duration>]
  [disable_collection: <bool> | default = false]


      [histogram_buckets: <list of float>]
      [dimensions: <list of string>]
      [peer_attributes: <list of string>]
      [enable_client_server_prefix: <bool>]
      [enable_messaging_system_latency_histogram: <bool>]

      [histogram_buckets: <list of float>]
      [dimensions: <list of string>]
      [intrinsic_dimensions: <map string to bool>]
      [filter_policies: [
            match_type: <string> # options: strict, regexp
              - key: <string>
                value: <any>
      [enable_target_info: <bool>]
      [target_info_excluded_dimensions: <list of string>]


All API requests are handled on the /api/overrides endpoint. The module supports GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE requests.

This endpoint is tenant-specific. If Tempo is run in multitenant mode, all requests should have an appropriate X-Scope-OrgID header.

If the tenant is run in distributed mode, only the query-frontend will accept API requests.


GET /api/overrides

Returns the current overrides and it’s version.


  • scope: whether to return overrides from the API only api or merge it with the runtime overrides merged. Defaults to api.


$ curl -X GET -v -H "X-Scope-OrgID: 3" http://localhost:3100/tempo/api/overrides\?scope=merged`
POST /api/overrides

Update the overrides with the given payload. Note this will overwrite any existing overrides.


curl -X POST -v -H "X-Scope-OrgID: 3" -H "If-Match: 1697726795401423" http://localhost:3100/api/overrides --data "{}"
PATCH /api/overrides

Update the existing overrides by patching it with the payload. It follows the JSON merge patch protocol (RFC 7386).


curl -X PUT -v -H "X-Scope-OrgID: 3" -H "If-Match: 1697726795401423" http://localhost:3100/api/overrides --data "{\"forwarders\":null}"
DELETE /api/overrides

Delete the existing overrides.


curl -X DELETE -H "X-Scope-OrgID: 3" -H "If-Match: 1697726795401423" http://localhost:3100/api/overrides


To handle concurrent read and write operations, overrides are stored with a version in the backend. Whenever the overrides are returned, the response will have an Etag header with the current version.

$ curl -v http://localhost:3100/api/overrides
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
< Etag: 1697726795401423
< Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2024 17:49:04 GMT
< Content-Length: 118

Requests that modify or delete overrides need to pass the current version using the If-Match header:

$ curl -X POST -H "If-Match: 1697726795401423" http://localhost:3100/api/overrides --data "..."

This example uses uses overrides in the overrides.json file with the location in pwd:

$ curl -X POST -H "X-Scope-OrgID: 3" -H "If-Match: 1697726795401423" http://localhost:3100/api/overrides --data @overrides.json

If the version does not match the version in the backend, the request is rejected with HTTP error 412.

Conflicting runtime overrides check

Overrides set through the user-configurable overrides take priority over runtime overrides. This can lead to misleading scenarios because a value set in the runtime overrides is not actively being used.

To warn users about preexisting runtime overrides, there is an optional check for conflicting runtime overrides. If enabled requests are rejected if:

  1. There are no user-configurable overrides yet for this tenant.
  2. There are runtime overrides set that contain overrides present in the user-configurable overrides.

The check can be enabled in the configuration:

      check_for_conflicting_runtime_overrides: true

You can bypass this check by setting the query parameter skip-conflicting-overrides-check=true:

$ curl -X POST -H "If-Match: 1697726795401423" http://localhost:3100/api/overrides?skip-conflicting-overrides-check=true --data "..."