Open source

Search with Google Cloud Run

This document walks you through setting up a Google Cloud Run for serverless backend search. For more guidance on configuration options for full backend search check here.

  1. Build the docker image:

    cd ./cmd/tempo-serverless && make build-docker-gcr

    This will create the Docker container image to be deployed to Google Cloud Run. The docker image will be named: tempo-serverless:latest and tempo-serverless:<branch>-<commit hash>. Here is an example of that name:

    $ docker images | grep tempo-serverless
    tempo-serverless                                                           cloud-run-3be4efa               146c9d9fa63c   58 seconds ago   47.9MB
    tempo-serverless                                                           latest                          146c9d9fa63c   58 seconds ago   47.9MB
  2. Push the image to a Google Container Registry repo.

  3. Provision the Google Cloud Run service. This example uses Terraform. Configuration values should be adjusted to meet the needs of your installation.

    locals {
      // this can be increased if you would like to use multiple functions
      count = 1
    resource "google_cloud_run_service" "run" {
      count = local.count
      name     = "<service name>"
      location = "<appropriate region>"
      metadata {
        annotations = {
            ""      = "internal",     # this annotation can be used to limit connectivity to the service
      template {
        metadata {
          annotations = {
              ""                   = "1",
              ""                   = "1000",
              "" = "110.0",  # default 200.0. how aggressively to go into panic mode and start scaling heavily
              ""                     = "10s",    # default 60s. window over which to average metrics to make scaling decisions
        spec {
          container_concurrency = 4
          containers {
            image = "<container image created above>"
            resources {
              limits = {
                  cpu = "2"
                  memory = "1Gi"
            env {
              name = "TEMPO_GCS_BUCKET_NAME"
              value = "<gcs bucket where tempo data is stored>"
            env {
              name = "TEMPO_BACKEND"
              value = "gcs"
            env {
              name = "TEMPO_GCS_HEDGE_REQUESTS_AT"
              value = "400ms"
            env {
              name = "TEMPO_GCS_HEDGE_REQUESTS_UP_TO"
              value = "2"
            env {
              name = "GOGC"
              value = "400"
      traffic {
        percent         = 100
        latest_revision = true
  4. Add the newly-created cloud run service as external endpoints in your querier configuration. The endpoint can be retrieved from the Details tab in Google Cloud Run:

        - <trigger url from console>