
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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How to profiling your application using eBPF

eBPF is an emerging Linux kernel technology that allows for user-supplied programs to run inside of the kernel. This enables a bunch of interesting use cases, particularly efficient CPU profiling of the whole Linux system.

Benefits and Tradeoffs of using eBPF for continuous profiling

We added a blog post “The pros and cons of eBPF profiling” which more deeply explores this topic and provides some examples of eBPF profiles. If you’re interested in some of the more granular details you can find them there!

Getting Started with eBPF Profiling

For the reasons mentioned above, we recommend an hybrid approach for better results: eBPF to profile the node and specific language instrumentation per application. The following steps will explain how to get started:

Prerequisites for profiling with eBPF

For the eBPF integration to work you’ll need:

  • A Pyroscope server where the agent will send profiling data
  • A Linux machine with the kernel version >= 4.9 (due to BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT)

Running eBPF profiler on Kubernetes

Step 1: Add the helm repo

helm repo add grafana
helm repo update

Step 2: Install pyroscope agent

  mode: 'flow'
    create: true
    content: |
      discovery.kubernetes "local_pods" {
        selectors {
          field = "spec.nodeName=" + env("HOSTNAME")
          role = "pod"
        role = "pod"
      pyroscope.ebpf "instance" {
        forward_to = [pyroscope.write.endpoint.receiver]
        targets = discovery.kubernetes.local_pods.targets
      pyroscope.write "endpoint" {
        endpoint {
          basic_auth {
            password = "<PASSWORD>"
            username = "<USERNAME>"
          url = "<URL>"

    privileged: true
    runAsGroup: 0
    runAsUser: 0

  hostPID: true

Replace the <URL> placeholder with the appropriate server URL. This could be the Grafana Cloud URL or your own custom Pyroscope server URL.


The component configures and starts a new ebpf profiling job to collect performance profiles from the current host.

You can use the following arguments to configure a pyroscope.ebpf. Only the forward_to and targets fields are required. Omitted fields take their default values.

targetslist(map(string))List of targets to group profiles by container idyes
forward_tolist(ProfilesReceiver)List of receivers to send collected profiles to.yes
collect_intervaldurationHow frequently to collect profiles15sno
sample_rateintHow many times per second to collect profile samples97no
pid_cache_sizeintThe size of the pid -> proc symbols table LRU cache32no
build_id_cache_sizeintThe size of the elf file build id -> symbols table LRU cache64no
same_file_cache_sizeintThe size of the elf file -> symbols table LRU cache8no
container_id_cache_sizeintThe size of the pid -> container ID table LRU cache1024no
collect_user_profileboolA flag to enable/disable collection of userspace profilestrueno
collect_kernel_profileboolA flag to enable/disable collection of kernelspace profilestrueno
demanglestringC++ demangle mode. Available options are: none, simplified, templates, fullnoneno

Sending data to Pyroscope OSS or Grafana Cloud Profiles with eBPF integration

Replace the <URL> placeholder with the appropriate server URL. This could be the Grafana Cloud URL or your own custom Pyroscope server URL.

If you need to send data to Grafana Cloud, you’ll have to configure HTTP Basic authentication. Replace <User> with your Grafana Cloud stack user and <Password> with your Grafana Cloud API key.

helm install pyroscope-ebpf grafana/grafana-agent -f values.yaml

It will install pyroscope eBPF agent on all of your nodes and start profiling applications across your cluster.

Exported fields

pyroscope.ebpf does not export any fields that can be referenced by other components.

Component health

pyroscope.ebpf is only reported as unhealthy if given an invalid configuration.

Debug information

  • targets currently tracked active targets.
  • pid_cache per process elf symbol tables and their sizes in symbols count.
  • elf_cache per build id and per same file symbol tables and their sizes in symbols count.

Debug metrics

  • pyroscope_fanout_latency (histogram): Write latency for sending to direct and indirect components.
  • pyroscope_ebpf_active_targets (gauge): Number of active targets the component tracks.
  • pyroscope_ebpf_profiling_sessions_total (counter): Number of profiling sessions completed.
  • pyroscope_ebpf_profiling_sessions_failing_total (counter): Number of profiling sessions failed.
  • pyroscope_ebpf_pprofs_total (counter): Number of pprof profiles collected by the ebpf component.

Profile collecting behavior

The pyroscope.ebpf component collects stack traces associated with a process running on the current host. You can use the sample_rate argument to define the number of stack traces collected per second. The default is 97.

The following labels are automatically injected into the collected profiles if you have not defined them. These labels can help you pin down a profiling target.

service_namePyroscope service name. It’s automatically selected from discovery meta labels if possible. Otherwise defaults to unspecified.
__name__pyroscope metric name. Defaults to process_cpu.
__container_id__The container ID derived from target.


You are required to run the agent as root and inside host pid namespace in order to pyroscope.ebpf component to work. See helm example below how to do it with helm.

Container ID

Each collected stack trace is then associated with a specified target from the targets list, determined by a container ID. This association process involves checking the __container_id__, __meta_docker_container_id, and __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_id labels of a target against the /proc/{pid}/cgroup of a process.

If a corresponding container ID is found, the stack traces are aggregated per target based on the container ID. If a container ID is not found, the stack trace is associated with a default_target.

Any stack traces not associated with a listed target are ignored.

Service name

The special label service_name is required and must always be present. If it’s not specified, it is attempted to be inferred from multiple sources:

  • __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_pyroscope_io_service_name which is a pod annotation.
  • __meta_kubernetes_namespace and __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
  • __meta_docker_container_name

If service_name is not specified and could not be inferred, it is set to unspecified.

Troubleshooting unknown symbols

Symbols are extracted from various sources, including:

  • The .symtab and .dynsym sections in the ELF file.
  • The .symtab and .dynsym sections in the debug ELF file.
  • The .gopclntab section in Go language ELF files.

The search for debug files follows gdb algorithm. For example, if the profiler wants to find the debug file for /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ with a .gnu_debuglink set to and a build ID 0123456789abcdef. The following paths are examined:

  • /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/01/0123456789abcdef.debug
  • /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/.debug/
  • /usr/lib/debug/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Dealing with unknown symbols

Unknown symbols in the profiles you’ve collected indicate that the profiler couldn’t access an ELF file associated with a given address in the trace.

This can occur for several reasons:

  • The process has terminated, making the ELF file inaccessible.
  • The ELF file is either corrupted or not recognized as an ELF file.
  • There is no corresponding ELF file entry in /proc/pid/maps for the address in the stack trace.

Addressing unresolved symbols

If you only see module names (e.g., /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ without corresponding function names, this indicates that the symbols couldn’t be mapped to their respective function names.

This can occur for several reasons:

  • The binary has been stripped, leaving no .symtab, .dynsym, or .gopclntab sections in the ELF file.
  • The debug file is missing or could not be located.

To fix this for your binaries, ensure that they are either not stripped or that you have separate debug files available. You can achieve this by running:

objcopy --only-keep-debug elf elf.debug
strip elf -o elf.stripped
objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=elf.debug elf.stripped elf.debuglink

For system libraries, ensure that debug symbols are installed. On Ubuntu, for example, you can install debug symbols for libc by executing:

apt install libc6-dbg

Understanding flat stack traces

If your profiles show many shallow stack traces, typically 1-2 frames deep, your binary might have been compiled without frame pointers.

To compile your code with frame pointers, include the -fno-omit-frame-pointer flag in your compiler options.

Profiling interpreted languages

Profiling interpreted languages like Python, Ruby, JavaScript, etc., is not ideal using this implementation. The JIT-compiled methods in these languages are typically not in ELF file format, demanding additional steps for profiling. For instance, using perf-map-agent and enabling frame pointers for Java.

Interpreted methods will display the interpreter function’s name rather than the actual function.


Check out the following resources to learn more about eBPF profiling: