Looker data source plugin for Grafana
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Looker data source plugin for Grafana

The Looker data source plugin for Grafana allows you to visualize data from Looker in Grafana.

Project status

The Gitlab Enterprise plugin is now available for users with a Grafana Cloud account or with a Grafana Enterprise license. For more information and to get started, create a free account or contact our team.


  • Valid Grafana Enterprise License. Visit Grafana pricing for more details
  • Valid Looker account and API credentials. Visit Looker docs for more details

Getting Looker API credentials

The Gitlab Enterprise plugin is now available for users with a Grafana Cloud account or with a Grafana Enterprise license. For more information and to get started, check out the Gitlab plugin page or contact our team.

In order to connect Grafana Looker data source instance with Looker, you need details about your Looker environment and credentials. You can generate the Looker API credentials (client_id and client_secret) by following the guidelines specified in the Looker documentation.

Typically the workflow wil be, Looker -> Admin -> User -> Select user -> Edit keys (API keys) -> New API key

Configure the data source in Grafana

Add a Looker data source by filling the following information.

FieldDescriptionExample value
Looker URLLooker instance base URLhttps://00001234-1234-1ab2-1234-a1b2c3d4.looker.app
Looker Client IDLooker client ID1234abcdXyZ567
Looker Client SecretLooker client secretEAiHBw4ngGLQidMtWeH4U8cE1

More details about data source configuration can be found here.

Configure the Looker data source with provisioning

It is possible to configure data sources using configuration files with Grafana’s provisioning system. To learn more, read about how it works and about all the settings for data sources at Provisioning Grafana.

apiVersion: 1
  - name: Looker Prod
    type: grafana-looker-datasource
      base_url: https://00001234-1234-1ab2-1234-a1b2c3d4.looker.app
      client_id: 1234abcdXyZ567
      client_secret: EAiHBw4ngGLQidMtWeH4U8cE1

More details about provisioning data sources can be found here

Querying Looker

With Looker data source for Grafana, you can query Looker in following ways. These are referred as Query Type in the looker data source query editor.


You can execute a LookML Query via the LookML query type. You have a option to build a basic LookML query json via the builder, or you can enter the advanced raw LookML JSON. Under the hood, the data source uses the Looker RunInlineQuery API.

ModelLookML model name
Explore NameLookML view name
Dimensions & MeasuresLookML fields. Supports dimensions and measures
PivotsLookML pivot fields.
Custom measuresCustom measures on fields
Filter ExpressionCustom filter expression

Run Look

Instead building a new LookML Query, you can choose Run Look to run the saved Look.

Look IDID of the look

Macros in queries

You can use following macros in the query to filter the data. When used with LookML JSON mode, you can use the macro anywhere within the JSON. When used with LookML Builder mode, you can use the macro in filter expression only.

Macro SyntaxDescriptionExampleExpands to
$__timeFilter(<Field Name>)This macro is useful when you want to restrict the results based on a time field and dashboard time range$__timeFilter(basic_users.created_at_time)${basic_users.created_at_time} >= date_time(2022,12,31,13,59,59) AND ${basic_users.created_at_time} <= date_time(2023,12,31,13,59,59)
$__timeFrom()Replace with dashboard from time$__timeFrom()date_time(2022,12,31,13,59,59)
$__timeTo()Replace with dashboard to time$__timeTo()date_time(023,12,31,13,59,59)

Templates and variables

To add a new Looker query variable, refer to Add a query variable. Use your Looker data source as your data source for the following available queries.

LookML models

This template variable query type will return the list of LookML models the datasource have access to.

LookML models explores

This template variable query type will return the list of LookML explores for any given model.

Known limitations

Using variables in the Looker query builder is currently not supported.

More details