
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Grafana OnCall users HTTP API

Get a user

This endpoint retrieves the user object.

curl "{{API_URL}}/api/v1/users/current/" \
  --request GET \
  --header "Authorization: meowmeowmeow" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json"

The above command returns JSON structured in the following way:

  "id": "U4DNY931HHJS5",
  "email": "",
  "slack": [
      "user_id": "UALEXSLACKDJPK",
      "team_id": "TALEXSLACKDJPK"
  "username": "alex",
  "role": "admin",
  "timezone": "UTC",
  "teams": []

HTTP request

GET {{API_URL}}/api/v1/users/<USER_ID>/

Use {{API_URL}}/api/v1/users/current to retrieve the current user.

idYes/orgUser ID
emailYes/orgUser e-mail
slackYes/orgList of user IDs from connected Slack. User linking key is e-mail.
usernameYes/orgUser username
roleNoOne of: user, observer, admin.
timezoneNotimezone of the user one of time zones.
teamsNoList of team IDs the user belongs to

List Users

curl "{{API_URL}}/api/v1/users/" \
  --request GET \
  --header "Authorization: meowmeowmeow" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json"

The above command returns JSON structured in the following way:

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": "U4DNY931HHJS5",
      "email": "",
      "slack": [
          "user_id": "UALEXSLACKDJPK",
          "team_id": "TALEXSLACKDJPK"
      "username": "alex",
      "role": "admin",
      "timezone": "UTC",
      "teams": ["TAAM1K1NNEHAG"]
  "current_page_number": 1,
  "page_size": 100,
  "total_pages": 1

This endpoint retrieves all users.

The following available filter parameter should be provided as a GET argument:

  • username (Exact match)

HTTP request

GET {{API_URL}}/api/v1/users/