Planning Grafana Mimir capacity

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

Planning Grafana Mimir capacity

The information that follows is an overview about the CPU, memory, and disk space that Grafana Mimir requires at scale. You can get a rough idea about the required resources, rather than a prescriptive recommendation about the exact amount of CPU, memory, and disk space.

The resources utilization is estimated based on a general production workload, and the assumption is that Grafana Mimir is running with one tenant and the default configuration. Your real resources’ utilization likely differs, because it is based on actual data, configuration settings, and traffic patterns. For example, the real resources’ utilization might differ based on the actual number or length of series’ labels, or the percentage of queries that reach the store-gateway.

The resources’ utilization are the minimum requirements. To gracefully handle traffic peaks, run Grafana Mimir with 50% extra capacity for memory and disk.

Monolithic mode

When Grafana Mimir is running in monolithic mode, you can estimate the required resources by summing up all of the requirements for each Grafana Mimir component. For more information about per component requirements, refer to Microservices mode.

Microservices mode

When Grafana Mimir is running in microservices mode, you can estimate the required resources of each component individually.


The distributor component resources utilization is determined by the number of received samples per second.

Estimated required CPU and memory:

  • CPU: 1 core every 25,000 samples per second.
  • Memory: 1GB every 25,000 samples per second.

How to estimate the rate of samples per second:

  1. Query the number of active series across all of your Prometheus servers:
  2. Check the scrape_interval that you configured in Prometheus.
  3. Estimate the rate of samples per second by using the following formula:
    estimated rate = (<active series> * (60 / <scrape interval in seconds>)) / 60


The ingester component resources’ utilization is determined by the number of series that are in memory.

Estimated required CPU, memory, and disk space:

  • CPU: 1 core for every 300,000 series in memory
  • Memory: 2.5GB for every 300,000 series in memory
  • Disk space: 5GB for every 300,000 series in memory

How to estimate the number of series in memory:

  1. Query the number of active series across all your Prometheus servers:
  2. Check the configured -ingester.ring.replication-factor (defaults to 3)
  3. Estimate the total number of series in memory across all ingesters using the following formula:
    total number of in-memory series = <active series> * <replication factor>


The query-frontend component resources utilization is determined by the number of queries per second.

Estimated required CPU and memory:

  • CPU: 1 core for every 250 queries per second
  • Memory: 1GB for every 250 queries per second

(Optional) Query-scheduler

The query-scheduler component resources’ utilization is determined by the number of queries per second.

Estimated required CPU and memory:

  • CPU: 1 core for every 500 queries per second
  • Memory: 100MB for every 500 queries per second


The querier component resources utilization is determined by the number of queries per second.

Estimated required CPU and memory:

  • CPU: 1 core for every 10 queries per second
  • Memory: 1GB for every 10 queries per second

Note: The estimate is 1 CPU core and 1GB per query, with an average query latency of 100ms.


The store-gateway component resources’ utilization is determined by the number of queries per second and active series before ingesters replication.

Estimated required CPU, memory, and disk space:

  • CPU: 1 core every 10 queries per second
  • Memory: 1GB every 10 queries per second
  • Disk: 13GB every 1 million active series

Note: The CPU and memory requirements are computed by estimating 1 CPU core and 1GB per query, an average query latency of 1s when reaching the store-gateway, and only 10% of queries reaching the store-gateway.

Note: The disk requirement has been estimated assuming 2 bytes per sample for compacted blocks (both index and chunks), the index-header being 0.10% of a block size, a scrape interval of 15 seconds, a retention of 1 year and store-gateways replication factor configured to 3. The resulting estimated store-gateway disk space for one series is 13KB.

How to estimate the number of active series before ingesters replication:

  1. Query the number of active series across all your Prometheus servers:

(Optional) Ruler

The ruler component resources utilization is determined by the number of rules evaluated per second.

When internal mode is used (default), rules evaluation is computationally equal to queries execution, so the querier resources recommendations apply to ruler too.

When remote operational mode is used, most of the computational load is shifted to query-frontend and querier components. So those should be scaled accordingly to deal both with queries and rules evaluation workload.


The compactor component resources utilization is determined by the number of active series.

The compactor can scale horizontally both in Grafana Mimir clusters with one tenant and multiple tenants. We recommend to run at least one compactor instance every 20 million active series ingested in total in the Grafana Mimir cluster, calculated before ingesters replication.

Assuming you run one compactor instance every 20 million active series, the estimated required CPU, memory and disk for each compactor instance are:

  • CPU: 1 core
  • Memory: 4GB
  • Disk: 300GB

For more information about disk requirements, refer to Compactor disk utilization.

To estimate the number of active series before ingesters replication, query the number of active series across all Prometheus servers:


(Optional) Alertmanager

The Alertmanager component resources’ utilization is determined by the number of alerts firing at the same time.

Estimated required CPU and memory:

  • CPU: 1 CPU core for every 100 firing alert notifications per second
  • Memory: 1GB for every 5,000 firing alerts

To estimate the peak of firing alert notifications per second in the last 24 hours, run the following query across all Prometheus servers:


To estimate the maximum number of firing alerts in the last 24 hours, run the following query across all Prometheus servers:


(Optional) Caches

Grafana Mimir supports caching in various stages of the read path:

  • results cache to cache partial query results
  • chunks cache to cache timeseries chunks from the object store
  • index cache to accelerate looking up series and labels lookups
  • metadata cache to accelerate looking up individual timeseries blocks

A rule of thumb for scaling memcached deployments for these caches is to look at the rate of evictions. If it 0 during steady load and only with occasional spikes, then memcached is sufficiently scaled. If it is >0 all the time, then memcached needs to be scaled out.

You can execute the following query to find out the rate of evictions:

sum by(instance) (rate(memcached_items_evicted_total{}[5m]))