
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Documentationbreadcrumb arrow Grafana Mimirbreadcrumb arrow Configurebreadcrumb arrow About anonymous usage statistics reporting
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About Grafana Mimir anonymous usage statistics reporting

Grafana Mimir includes a system that optionally and anonymously reports non-sensitive, non-personally identifiable information about the running Mimir cluster to a remote statistics server. Mimir maintainers use this anonymous information to learn more about how the open source community runs Mimir and what the Mimir team should focus on when working on the next features and documentation improvements.

The anonymous usage statistics reporting is enabled by default. You can opt-out setting the CLI flag -usage-stats.enabled=false or its respective YAML configuration option.

The statistics server

When usage statistics reporting is enabled, information is collected by a server that Grafana Labs runs. Statistics are collected at

Which information is collected

When the usage statistics reporting is enabled, Grafana Mimir collects the following information:

  • Information about the Mimir cluster and version:
    • A unique, randomly-generated Mimir cluster identifier, such as 3749b5e2-b727-4107-95ae-172abac27496.
    • The timestamp when the anonymous usage statistics reporting was enabled for the first time, and the cluster identifier was created.
    • The Mimir version, such as 2.3.0.
    • The Mimir branch, revision, and Golang version that was used to build the binary.
    • The installation mode used to deploy Mimir, such as helm.
  • Information about the environment where Mimir is running:
    • The operating system, such as linux.
    • The architecture, such as amd64.
    • The Mimir memory utilization and number of goroutines.
    • The number of logical CPU cores available to the Mimir process.
  • Information about the Mimir configuration:
    • The -target parameter value, such as all when running Mimir in monolithic mode.
    • The -blocks-storage.backend value, such as s3.
    • The -ingester.ring.replication-factor value, such as 3.
    • The value, such as memberlist.
    • The minimum and maximum value of -ingester.out-of-order-time-window, which can be overridden on a per-tenant basis (the tenant ID is not shared).
  • Information about the Mimir cluster scale:
    • Ingester:
      • The number of in-memory series.
      • The number of tenants that have in-memory series.
      • The number of tenants that have out-of-order ingestion enabled.
      • The number of samples and exemplars ingested.
    • Querier, where no information is tracked about the actual request or query:
      • The number of requests to queriers that are split by API endpoint type:
        • Remote read.
        • Instant query.
        • Range query.
        • Exemplars query.
        • Labels query.
        • Series query.
        • Metadata query.
        • Cardinality analysis query.

Note: Mimir maintainers commit to keeping the list of tracked information updated over time, and reporting any change both via the CHANGELOG and the release notes.

Disable the anonymous usage statistics reporting

If possible, we ask you to keep the usage reporting feature enabled and help us understand more about how the open source community runs Mimir. In case you want to opt-out from anonymous usage statistics reporting, set the CLI flag -usage-stats.enabled=false or change the following YAML configuration:

  enabled: false