Grafana Mimir key-value store

This is documentation for the next version of Mimir. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

Open source

Grafana Mimir key-value store

A key-value (KV) store is a database that stores data indexed by key. Grafana Mimir requires a key-value store for the following features:

Supported key-value store backends

Grafana Mimir supports the following key-value (KV) store backends:

Gossip-based memberlist protocol (default)

By default, Grafana Mimir instances use a Gossip-based protocol to join a memberlist cluster. The data is shared between the instances using peer-to-peer communication and no external dependency is required.

We recommend that you use memberlist to run Grafana Mimir.

To configure memberlist, refer to configuring hash rings.


The Gossip-based memberlist protocol isn’t supported for the optional distributor high-availability tracker.


Grafana Mimir supports Consul as a backend KV store. If you want to use Consul, you must install it. The Grafana Mimir installation does not include Consul.

To configure Consul, refer to configuring hash rings.


Grafana Mimir supports etcd as a backend KV store. If you want to use etcd, you must install it. The Grafana Mimir installation does not include etcd.

To configure etcd, refer to configuring hash rings.