
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source

Tag Release

A tag is required to create GitHub artifacts and as a prerequisite for publishing.

Before you begin

  1. All required commits for the release should exist on the release branch. This includes functionality and documentation such as the release notes and All versions in the repo should have already been updated.

  2. Make sure you are up to date on the release branch:

    git checkout release-VERSION_PREFIX
    git fetch origin
    git pull origin
  3. Determine the VERSION_PREFIX.

  4. Follow the GitHub instructions to set up GPG for signature verification.

  5. Optional: Configure git to always sign on commit or tag.

git config --global commit.gpgSign true
git config --global tag.gpgSign true

If you are on macOS or Linux and using an encrypted GPG key, gpg-agent or gpg may be unable to prompt you for your private key passphrase. This will be denoted by an error when creating a commit or tag. To circumvent the error, add the following into your ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc, depending on which shell you are using.

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)


  1. Tag the release:

    Example commands:

    RELEASE="v$VERSION" # e.g: v2.9.0
    git tag -s $RELEASE -m "tagging release $RELEASE"
    git push origin $RELEASE
  2. After a tag has been pushed, GitHub CI will create release assets and open a release draft for every pushed tag.

    • This will take ~10-20 minutes.
    • You can monitor this by viewing the drone build on the commit for the release tag.
    • It also creates a PR to update the Helm charts. Example PR. Review and merge it.