Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Open source


You can output granular data points in JSON format. To do so, use k6 run with the --out flag. Pass the path for your JSON file as the flag argument:

$ k6 run --out json=test_results.json script.js

Or if you want to get the result gzipped, like this:

$ k6 run --out json=test_results.gz script.js

To inspect the output in real time, you can use a command like tail -f on the file you save:

$ tail -f test_results.json

JSON format

The JSON output has lines as follows:

{"type":"Point","data":{"time":"2017-05-09T14:34:45.239531499+02:00","value":459.865729,"tags":{"group":"::my group::json","method":"GET","status":"200","url":"https://httpbin.test.k6.io/get"}},"metric":"http_req_duration"}

Each line either has information about a metric, or logs a data point (sample) for a metric. Lines consist of three items:

  • type - can have the values Metric or Point where Metric means the line is declaring a metric, and Point is an actual data point (sample) for a metric.
  • data - is a dictionary that contains lots of stuff, varying depending on the "type" above.
  • metric - the name of the metric.


This line has metadata about a metric. Here, "data" contains the following:

  • "type" - the metric type (“gauge”, “rate”, “counter” or “trend”)
  • "contains" - information on the type of data collected (can e.g. be “time” for timing metrics)
  • "tainted" - has this metric caused a threshold to fail?
  • "threshold" - are there any thresholds attached to this metric?
  • "submetrics" - any derived metrics created as a result of adding a threshold using tags.


This line has actual data samples. Here, "data" contains these fields:

  • "time" - timestamp when the sample was collected
  • "value" - the actual data sample; time values are in milliseconds
  • "tags" - dictionary with tagname-tagvalue pairs that can be used when filtering results data

Processing JSON output

You can use jq to process the k6 JSON output.

You can quickly create filters to return a particular metric of the JSON file:

$ jq '. | select(.type=="Point" and .metric == "http_req_duration" and .data.tags.status >= "200")' myscript-output.json

And calculate an aggregated value of any metric:

$ jq '. | select(.type=="Point" and .metric == "http_req_duration" and .data.tags.status >= "200") | .data.value' myscript-output.json | jq -s 'add/length'
$ jq '. | select(.type=="Point" and .metric == "http_req_duration" and .data.tags.status >= "200") | .data.value' myscript-output.json | jq -s min
$ jq '. | select(.type=="Point" and .metric == "http_req_duration" and .data.tags.status >= "200") | .data.value' myscript-output.json | jq -s max

For more advanced cases, check out the jq Manual

Summary export

If you want to see only the aggregated data, you can export the end-of-test summary to a JSON file. For more details, refer to the handleSummary() topic in the end-of-test summary docs.

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