
This is documentation for the next version of K6. For the latest stable release, go to the latest version.

Open source


Returns the bounding box of the element. The bounding box is calculated with respect to the position of the Frame of the current ElementHandle, which is usually the Page’s main frame.


Promise<null | Rect>A Promise that fulfills with the bounding box of the element as a Rect. If the element is not visible, the Promise resolves to null.


The Rect object represents the bounding box of an element.

xnumberThe x-coordinate of the element in pixels.
ynumberThe y-coordinate of the element in pixels.
widthnumberThe width of the element in pixels.
heightnumberThe height of the element in pixels.


import { browser } from 'k6/browser';

export const options = {
  scenarios: {
    browser: {
      executor: 'shared-iterations',
      options: {
        browser: {
          type: 'chromium',

export default async function () {
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto('');

  const element = await page.$('#text1');
  const boundingBox = await element.boundingBox();
  console.log(`x: ${boundingBox.x}, y: ${boundingBox.y}, width: ${boundingBox.width}, height: ${boundingBox.height}`);

  await page.close();