Time series

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Time series

Note: Time series panel visualization is going to replace the Graph panel visualization in a future release.

Time series panel is a robust visualization to plot time series data. It can render as a line, a path of dots, or a series of bars. This type of graph is versatile enough to display almost any time-series data.

For Time series panel examples, refer to the Grafana Play dashboard New Features in v7.4.

Note: You can migrate Graph panel visualizations to Time series visualizations. To migrate, open the panel and then select the Time series visualization. Grafana transfers all applicable settings.

Common time series options

These options are available whether you are graphing your time series as lines, bars, or points.

Tooltip mode

When you hover your cursor over the visualization, Grafana can display tooltips. Choose how tooltips behave.

  • Single - The hover tooltip shows only a single series, the one that you are hovering over on the visualization.
  • All - The hover tooltip shows all series in the visualization. Grafana highlights the series that you are hovering over in bold in the series list in the tooltip.
  • Hidden - Do not display the tooltip when you interact with the visualization.

Note: Use an override to hide individual series from the tooltip.

Legend mode

Use these settings to refine how the legend appears in your visualization.

  • List - Displays the legend as a list. This is a default display mode of the legend.
  • Table - Displays the legend as a table.
  • Hidden - Hides the legend.

Legend placement

Choose where to display the legend.

  • Bottom - Below the graph.
  • Right - To the right of the graph.

Legend calculations

Choose which of the standard calculations to show in the legend. You can have more than one.

Graph styles

Use these options to choose how to display your time series data.


For more information about adjusting your time series axes, refer to Change axis display.