Grant dashboard and folder permissions

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Grant dashboard and folder permissions

Grant permission to dashboards and folders to control who can access them.

Grant folder permissions

  1. In the sidebar, hover your mouse over the Dashboards (squares) icon and then click Manage.
  2. Hover your mouse cursor over a folder and click the gear icon to the right.
  3. Go to the Permissions tab, and then click Add Permission.
  4. In the Add Permission For dialog, select User or Team.
  5. In the second box, select the user or team to add permission for.
  6. In the third box, select the permission you want to add.
  7. Click Save.

Grant dashboard permissions

  1. In the top right corner of your dashboard, click the cog icon to go to Dashboard settings.
  2. Go to the Permissions tab, and click Add Permission.
  3. In the Add Permission For dialog, select User or Team.
  4. In the second box, select the user or team to add permission for.
  5. In the third box, select the permission you want to add.
  6. Click Save.