Release notes for Grafana 8.2.5

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source

Release notes for Grafana 8.2.5

Bug fixes

  • Alerting: Fix a bug where the metric in the evaluation string was not correctly populated. #41731, @JohnnyQQQQ
  • Alerting: Fix no data behaviour in Legacy Alerting for alert rules using the AND operator. #41305, @gerobinson
  • CloudMonitoring: Ignore min and max aggregation in MQL queries. #41302, @sunker
  • Dashboards: ‘Copy’ is no longer added to new dashboard titles. #41344, @joshhunt
  • DataProxy: Fix overriding response body when response is a WebSocket upgrade. #41364, @marefr
  • Elasticsearch: Use field configured in query editor as field for date_histogram aggregations. #41258, @Elfo404
  • Explore: Fix running queries without a datasource property set. #40805, @Elfo404
  • InfluxDB: Fix numeric aliases in queries. #41531, @gabor
  • Plugins: Ensure consistent plugin settings list response. #41346, @wbrowne
  • Tempo: Fix validation of float durations. #41400, @ivanahuckova
  • Tracing: Correct tags for each span are shown. #41473, @ivanahuckova

Breaking changes

Fix No Data behaviour in Legacy Alerting

In Grafana 8.2.5 and later, this change fixes a bug in the evaluation of alert rules when using the AND operator to compare two or more conditions. In Grafana 8.2.4 and earlier such alert rules would evaluate to OK if at least one, but not all, conditions returned no data. This change fixes that bug such that in Grafana 8.2.5 these alert rules now evaluate to No Data.

If an alert should evaluate to OK when one or all conditions return No Data then this can be done via changing If no data or all values are null to OK. However, this will not preserve the old behaviour in 8.2.4 where an alert will be OK if at least one, but not all, conditions return no data and then No Data if all conditions return No Data. Issue #41305