Release notes for Grafana 8.0.0-beta2

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source

Release notes for Grafana 8.0.0-beta2

Features and enhancements

Bug fixes

  • Annotations panel: Remove subpath from dashboard links. #34134, @jackw
  • Content Security Policy: Allow all image sources by default. #34265, @aknuds1
  • Content Security Policy: Relax default template wrt. loading of scripts, due to nonces not working. #34363, @aknuds1
  • Datasource: Fix tracing propagation for alert execution by introducing HTTP client outgoing tracing middleware. #34466, @marefr
  • InfluxDB: InfluxQL always apply time interval end. #34308, @gabor
  • Library Panels: Fixes “error while loading library panels”. #34278, @hugohaggmark
  • NewsPanel: Fixes rendering issue in Safari. #34067, @kaydelaney
  • PanelChrome: Fix queries being issued again when scrolling in and out of view. #34061, @torkelo
  • Plugins: Fix Azure token provider cache panic and auth param nil value. #34252, @kostrse
  • Snapshots: Fix key and deleteKey being ignored when creating an external snapshot. #33686, @wengelbrecht-grafana
  • Table: Fix issue with cell border not showing with colored background cells. #34231, @torkelo
  • Table: Makes tooltip scrollable for long JSON values. #34120, @hugohaggmark
  • TimeSeries: Fix for Connected null values threshold toggle during panel editing. #34452, @leeoniya
  • Variables: Fixes inconsistent selected states on dashboard load. #34197, @hugohaggmark
  • Variables: Refreshes all panels even if panel is full screen. #34097, @hugohaggmark

Breaking changes

The workspaces() template variable, mainly for use with Azure Monitor Logs, has been changed to return resource URIs instead of Log Analytics Workspaces GUIDs. This should not impact Azure Monitor Logs queries, but if the variables are being used in other data sources which expect a Workspace GUID may no longer be compatible.

Custom template variables used in the workspace or resource field in Azure Monitor Logs queries should resolve to an Azure Resource URI in the format /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name} Issue #34445

Removes support for deprecated backend plugin protocol (v1) including usage of

Issue #34127

Plugin development fixes & changes