Release notes for Grafana 9.1.0

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

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Grafana Cloud Enterprise Open source

Release notes for Grafana 9.1.0

Features and enhancements

  • API: Allow creating teams with a user defined identifier. #48710, @papagian
  • Alerting: Adds interval and For to alert rule details. #53211, @gillesdemey
  • Alerting: Extend PUT rule-group route to write the entire rule group rather than top-level fields only. #53078, @alexweav
  • Alerting: Use Adaptive Cards in Teams notifications. #53532, @grobinson-grafana
  • Azure Monitor: Add Network Insights Dashboard. #50362, @Teddy-Lin
  • Chore: Improve logging of unrecoverable errors. #53664, @sakjur
  • Correlations: Add UpdateCorrelation HTTP API. #52444, @Elfo404
  • Dashboard: Reverted the changes of hiding multi-select and all variable in the datasource picker. #53521, @lpskdl
  • Geomap: Add alpha day/night layer. #50201, @ryantxu
  • Geomap: Add measuring tools. #51608, @drew08t
  • GrafanaUI: Add success state to ClipboardButton. #52069, @evictorero
  • Heatmap: Replace the heatmap panel with new implementation. #50229, @ryantxu
  • KVStore: Allow empty value in kv_store. #53416, @spinillos
  • Prometheus: Promote Azure auth flag to configuration. #53447, @andresmgot
  • Reports: Save and update in reports should be transactional. (Enterprise)
  • Reports: Set uid when we don’t receive it in the query. (Enterprise)
  • Search: Display only dashboards in General folder of Search Folder View. #53607, @lpskdl
  • Status history/State timeline: Support datalinks. #50226, @jloupdef
  • Transform: Add a limit transform. #49291, @josiahg
  • Transformations: Add standard deviation and variance reducers. #49753, @selvavm

Bug fixes

Breaking changes

Alert notifications to Microsoft Teams now use Adaptive Cards instead of Office 365 Connector Cards. Issue #53532

Starting at 9.1.0, existing heatmap panels will start using a new implementation. This can be disabled by setting the useLegacyHeatmapPanel feature flag to true. It can be tested on a single dashbobard by adding ?__feature.useLegacyHeatmapPanel=true to any dashboard URL. Please report any heatmap migration issues.. The most notable changes are:

  • Significantly improved rendering performance
  • When calculating heatmaps, the buckets are now placed on reasonable borders (1m, 5m, 30s etc)
  • Round cells are no longer supported Issue #50229

Plugin development fixes & changes

  • Plugins: Only pass rootUrls field in request when not empty. #53135, @wbrowne