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What’s new in Grafana Cloud

Grafana Labs products, projects, and features can go through multiple release stages before becoming generally available. These stages in the release life cycle can present varying degrees of stability and support. For more information, refer to release life cycle for Grafana Labs.


Generally AvailableTraces
Release date: 2024-05-10

Open Search Datasource Plugin Service Map

Version 2.15.0 of the OpenSearch plugin introduces support for visualizing Service Map for Open Search traces ingested with OpenSearch Data Prepper. Service map in Grafana enables customers to view a map of their applications built using microservices architecture. With this map, customers can detect performance issues, or increase in error rates in any of their services. In order to display the map, select Traces query type in the query editor and switch on the Service Map toggle.

Generally AvailableSLOs
Release date: 2024-05-09

SLO Team and Service performance view

The SLO Performance page provides a filterable view as to how your team and service SLOs are performing. This is critical for customers with a large amount of SLOs who would like to view a logical subset. To get started - tag your SLOs with the team_name and/or service_name labels.

Generally AvailableAlerting
Release date: 2024-05-06

Re-designed settings page for Alerting

The new settings page provides you with a holistic view of where Grafana-managed alert instances are forwarded. Manage which Alertmanagers receive alert instances from Grafana-managed rules without navigating and editing data sources. Manage version snapshots for the built-in Alertmanager, which allows administrators to roll back unintentional changes or mistakes in the Alertmanager configuration. There is also a visual diff that compares the historical snapshot with the latest configuration to see which changes were made.

Re-designed settings page for Alerting

Generally AvailableAuthentication and authorization
Release date: 2024-04-30

Anonymous users are billed in Grafana Enterprise

We are announcing a license change to the anonymous access feature in Grafana 11. As you may already be aware, anonymous access allows users access to Grafana without login credentials. Anonymous access was an early feature of Grafana to share dashboards; however, we recently introduced Public Dashboards which allows you to share dashboards in a more secure manner. We also noticed that anonymous access inadvertently resulted in user licensing issues. After careful consideration, we have decided to charge for the continued use of anonymous access starting in Grafana 11.

Generally AvailableSynthetic Monitoring
Release date: 2024-04-29

Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring powered by k6

We’re excited to announce a big update to our Synthetic Monitoring product! Until now, Synthetic Monitoring has used the Prometheus blackbox exporter to test at the protocol level: HTTP, DNS, TCP, gRPC, and ICMP (for ping and traceroute). This worked well for health and uptime monitoring, but it didn’t cover the full range of synthetic monitoring use cases. With modern applications, it’s important to test not only single endpoints but also complex transactions and critical user journeys.

Generally AvailableKubernetes Monitoring
Release date: 2024-04-18

User experience improvements in Kubernetes Monitoring

Control the automatic refresh interval of the GUI as well as disable the auto refresh until you are ready to do so manually. This is particularly useful for very large Kubernetes fleets that display a lot of data. From the Clusters, Nodes, and Namespaces list pages, select multiple Clusters from the filters.

User experience improvements in Kubernetes Monitoring

Generally AvailableKubernetes Monitoring
Release date: 2024-04-15

Cardinality page in Kubernetes Monitoring

Use the in-app Cardinality page to discover on a Cluster-by-Cluster basis where all your active series are coming from for: Troubleshooting after initial configuration Determining potential duplicate metrics Finding other potential cardinality issues From the main menu, click Configuration and then the Cardinality tab.

Cardinality page in Kubernetes Monitoring

Generally AvailableDashboards and visualizationsData sources
Release date: 2024-04-09

Explore Metrics

Explore Metrics is a query-less experience for browsing Prometheus-compatible metrics. Search for or filter to find a metric. Quickly find related metrics - all in just a few clicks. You do not need to learn PromQL! With Explore Metrics, you can: easily slice and dice metrics based on their labels, so you can see anomalies right away See the right visualization for your metric based on its type (e.g. gauge vs.

Generally AvailableK6
Release date: 2024-04-09

Export a Grafana Cloud k6 test result to a dashboard summary

After you run a performance test in Grafana Cloud k6, the next step is to analyze the results and share any findings with your team. Sometimes, you don’t need your team members to view all the resulting metrics, or you might want to generate a PDF in an accessible, easy-to-read format to share with external stakeholders. The new export summary functionality in Grafana Cloud k6 allows you to export your test results as a Grafana dashboard.

Export a Grafana Cloud k6 test result to a dashboard summary

Generally AvailableDashboards and visualizations
Release date: 2024-04-09

Colored table rows with conditional formatting

Grafana 11 adds the ability to color full table rows using the Colored background cell type of the table visualization. When you configure fields in a table to use this cell type, an option to apply the color of the cell to the entire row becomes available. This feature is useful for a wide variety of use cases including mapping status fields to colors (for example, info, debug, warning) and allowing rows to be colored based on threshold values.

Colored table rows with conditional formatting