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Release date: 2024-04-09

Explore Logs

Explore Logs is a queryless experience for exploring Loki logs - no LogQL required! The primary interaction modes are point-and-click based on log volume, similar to Explore Metrics.


  • View log volume and log line samples when you first land in Explore Logs (no more “blank screen!”)
  • Explore additional labels and detected fields in a similar way, focusing on volume and distribution; add them to your “query” to refine your logs search without needing LogQL
  • See common patterns in your log lines, to easily filter out noise or focus in on anomalies
  • For power users, an easy way to hop into the familiar Explore while preserving context

Explore Logs is Open Source, and in preview - some papercuts are to be expected. Give it a try and let us know what you think!