More streamlining in Kubernetes Monitoring for troubleshooting
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More streamlining in Kubernetes Monitoring for troubleshooting

Generally AvailableKubernetes Monitoring
Release date: 2024-06-18

Kubernetes Monitoring has added more troubleshooting tools:

  • Find deleted Clusters, Nodes, Pods, containers, workloads, and namespace
  • Zoom into an area on the graph to narrow the time range
  • Jump directly to the list of Clusters, Nodes, and workloads from the home page

Find deleted objects

You can find deleted objects, such as a Node shown in this example:

Finding deleted Node

Zoom in to refine a time range

Zoom in on a graph to narrow a time range for more analysis.

Zooming into time range

Jump directly to Clusters, Nodes, and workloads

From the home page, you can jump directly to the list of Clusters, Nodes, and workloads.

Going directly to node list