Logs filtering and pinning in Explore content outline
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Logs filtering and pinning in Explore content outline

Generally AvailableExploreLogs
Release date: 2024-06-07

Grafana Explore now allows for logs filtering and pinning in content outline.

Filtering Logs: All log levels are now automatically available in the content outline. You can filter by log level, currently supported for Elasticsearch and Loki data sources. To select multiple filters, hold down the command key on Mac or the control key on Windows while clicking.

Pinning Logs: The new pinning feature allows users to pin logs to the content outline, making them easily accessible for quick reference during investigations. To pin a log, hover over a log in the logs panel and click on the Pin to content outline icon in the log row menu. Clicking on a pinned log will open the log context modal, showing the log highlighted in context with other logs. From here, you can also open the log in split mode to preserve the time range in the left pane while having the time range specific to that log in the right pane.