Configure Flask to generate Prometheus metrics
Flask is a python module that you can enable for Prometheus metrics using Flask Exporter for Prometheus.
To configure Flask to generate Prometheus metrics, perform the following steps:
Add the following export code in the Python module.
from prometheus_flask_exporter import PrometheusMetrics
To enable custom metrics, follow the steps provided in prometheus_flask_exporter.
Verify the presence of the following metrics in Prometheus:
- flask_http_request_duration_seconds
- flask_http_request_total
0.99, sum(rate(flask_http_request_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) by (le) ) |
Service KPI dashboard
This dashboard has the following KPIs that include resource and requests metrics:
- Request Rate
- Latency Average
- Latency P99
- Error Rate
- CPU %
- CPU Cores Used
- CPU Throttle
- Memory %
- Memory Bytes
- Disk Usage
- Network Usage
You can include any custom dashboard from the community. For example, this dashboard shows Flask specific metrics directly as a custom dashboard for your service.