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Application Observability production setup

For production setups for Application Observability, use a data collector.

Application Observability - Architecture


For a quick and easy local development setup, consult the quickstart documentation.

Follow the production setup guides for:

For other languages, use the upstream OpenTelemetry SDKs supported by the community.

Why should you use Beyla?

  • Easy: No need to modify or redeploy your application.
  • Legacy support: The language or language version is not supported by current OpenTelemetry SDKs.
  • Third-party application: You want to instrument third-party applications (Apache, Nginx…)
  • Performance: Your instrumentation libraries have too much impact in the performance of your applications (e.g. some Python high-load services)


Beyla does not have the same capabilities as the OpenTelemetry SDKs. For example, Beyla only supports trace context propagation in Go (and in some limited cases for non-Go programs); so in most cases it only creates a single span for each non-Go service.