Instrument a Node.js application
Grafana Cloud

Instrument a Node.js application

For most use cases Grafana Labs recommends Beyla, eBPF network-level auto-instrumentation, which is easy to set up and supports all languages and frameworks.

If you need process-level telemetry for Node.js, follow this documentation to set up the upstream OpenTelemetry SDK for JavaScript for Application Observability.

Install the SDK

Before you begin ensure you have a Node.js development environment with a package manager such as NPM or Yarn, and a Node.js application to instrument.

Run the following command in the project folder:

npm install --save @opentelemetry/api
npm install --save @opentelemetry/auto-instrumentations-node

Instrument your application

Configure and export the following environment variables before starting your application to enable auto-instrumentation:

export OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER="otlp"
export NODE_OPTIONS="--require @opentelemetry/auto-instrumentations-node/register"

# To setup your own Service Instance ID

# To have a Service Instance ID generated using a random UUID
# Requires auto-instrumentations-node version 0.46.0+
export OTEL_NODE_RESOURCE_DETECTORS="env,host,os,serviceinstance"

Test your instrumentation

To test if you’ve successfully instrumented your application, run your application, generate some traffic, and you should see metrics and logs outputted to the console.

Next steps

  1. Create a free Grafana Cloud account.
  2. For a local development and testing, send data to the Grafana Cloud OTLP endpoint.
  3. For production, set up an OpenTelemetry Collector.
  4. Observe your services in Application Observability.


  1. OpenTelemetry JavaScript documentation
  2. @opentelemetry/api on NPM
  3. opentelemetry-js on GitHub