Managing Adaptive Logs recommendations
Grafana Cloud

Manage recommendations

The Adaptive Logs user interface displays a list of patterns and recommendations for a suggested drop rate for each pattern.

To apply one or more recommendations, click the leftmost checkbox icon for the desired pattern(s), then click Apply selected recommendations. Click Apply to confirm and apply recommendations.

To modify and apply a single recommendation, click the edit icon in the Actions column, and specify pattern drop rate. Valid values for the percentage of logs to be dropped are between 0 and 100. If you need more granular drop rate configuration, refer to Per-service drop rate overrides.

To see log lines that match the label selectors and pattern, click the Open in Explore icon for the pattern.

To view an estimate of how much volume will be reduced when you click Apply drop rates without actually applying your changes, click Preview.

Manage recommendations in bulk

The Adaptive Logs user interface provides several tools to enable working with recommendations in bulk.

  • The Filter by Service menu lets you view recommendations for a specific service, and matches both full and partial service names.


Configuring drop rates in the Filter by Service view allows you to specify the drop rate only for the selected services. For more details refer to Per-service drop rate overrides.
  • To lock a recommendation, click the padlock icon. Locking a recommendation prevents edits from being applied to a specific pattern, including bulk edits. You can both lock and unlock a recommendation at any time.

Per-service drop rate overrides


Per-service drop rate overrides is currently in public preview. Grafana Labs offers limited support, and breaking changes might occur prior to the feature being made generally available.

Per-service drop rates can be used to apply drop rates to patterns for a specific producing service. This can be useful if multiple services are producing logs with identical patterns, and you need to apply drop rates differently.

To override a pattern’s drop rate for a particular service, click the edit icon in the Actions column and set the drop rate for the desired service in the “Per-service drop rate overrides” section.

You can also override the drop rate for many patterns at once if the recommendations are filtered by service names.

The per-service drop rate will take precedence over the pattern’s drop rate when dropping logs logs from selected service.

If the drop rate for the service is not set, Adaptive Logs uses pattern’s drop rate.

Apply recommendations

  1. To apply one or more selected recommendations, click Apply selected recommendations, then click Apply.
  2. To apply all recommendations, click Apply all recommendations, then click Apply.