Grafana Cloud


This page describes the entire API surface in detail.


The Grafana Incident JSON/HTTP RPC API is made up of the following services:

  • ActivityService - ActivityService provides access to incident activity. You can post notes to the timeline, and query and update the individual timeline items.
  • IncidentsService - IncidentsService provides the ability to query, get, declare (create), update, and manage Incidents programatically. You can also assign roles and update labels.
  • RolesService - RolesService defines the interface for interacting with roles, providing CRUD operations and more fatures related to roles.
  • TasksService - TasksService provides methods for managing tasks relating to Incidents.


ActivityService provides access to incident activity. You can post notes to the timeline, and query and update the individual timeline items.


AddActivity posts an activity item to an Incident.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the unique identifier of the Incident.
  • activityKind - string - options: "userNote" - ActivityKind is the type of activity this item represents.
  • body - string - Body is a human readable description of the ActivityItem. URLs mentioned will be parsed and attached as context.
  • eventTime - string - EventTime is the time when the event occurred. If empty, the current time is used. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"activityKind": "userNote",
	"body": "Some interesting insights from a third-party system",
	"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	activityService := incident.NewActivityService(client)
	// make the request...
	addActivityResp, err := activityService.AddActivity(ctx, main.AddActivityRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		ActivityKind: "userNote",
		Body: "Some interesting insights from a third-party system",
		EventTime: "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("ActivityItem: %+v\n", addActivityResp.ActivityItem)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", addActivityResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"activityKind": "userNote",
	"body": "Some interesting insights from a third-party system",
	"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, ActivityService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const activityService = new ActivityService(client);

// AddActivity posts an activity item to an Incident.
const activityServiceResp = await activityService.addActivity({
	"activityKind": "userNote",
	"body": "Some interesting insights from a third-party system",
	"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"

if (!activityServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(activityServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"activityItem",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • activityItem - ActivityItem - ActivityItem is the newly created ActivityItem.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"activityItem": {
		"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
		"activityKind": "incidentCreated",
		"attachments": [
				"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
				"attachmentErr": "file too large",
				"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
				"contentLength": 123456,
				"contentType": "image/jpeg",
				"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"displayType": "list",
				"downloadURL": "",
				"ext": ".jpg",
				"fileType": "image",
				"hasThumbnail": true,
				"path": "filename.jpg",
				"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
				"sourceURL": "",
				"thumbnailURL": "",
				"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"useSourceURL": true
				"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
				"attachmentErr": "file too large",
				"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
				"contentLength": 123456,
				"contentType": "image/jpeg",
				"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"displayType": "list",
				"downloadURL": "",
				"ext": ".jpg",
				"fileType": "image",
				"hasThumbnail": true,
				"path": "filename.jpg",
				"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
				"sourceURL": "",
				"thumbnailURL": "",
				"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"useSourceURL": true
		"body": "The incident was created by user-123",
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"fieldValues": {
			"something-else": true,
			"title": "new title"
		"immutable": true,
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"relevance": "low",
		"subjectUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"tags": [
		"url": "",
		"user": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
	"error": "something went wrong"


QueryActivity gets a selection of activity items.


  • query - ActivityQuery - Query describes the query to make.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor is used to page through results. Empty for the first page. For subsequent pages, use previously returned Cursor values.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"query": {
		"activityKind": [
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"limit": 10,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"tag": "important"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	activityService := incident.NewActivityService(client)
	// make the request...
	queryActivityResp, err := activityService.QueryActivity(ctx, main.QueryActivityRequest{
		Query: main.ActivityQuery{
			IncidentID: "incident-123",
			Limit: 10,
			Tag: "important",
			OrderDirection: "ASC",
			ActivityKind: ["incidentCreated"],
		Cursor: main.Cursor{
			NextValue: "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg",
			HasMore: true,
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("ActivityItems: %+v\n", queryActivityResp.ActivityItems)
	log.Printf("Query: %+v\n", queryActivityResp.Query)
	log.Printf("Cursor: %+v\n", queryActivityResp.Cursor)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", queryActivityResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"query": {
		"activityKind": [
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"limit": 10,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"tag": "important"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, ActivityService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const activityService = new ActivityService(client);

// QueryActivity gets a selection of activity items.
const activityServiceResp = await activityService.queryActivity({
	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"query": {
		"activityKind": [
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"limit": 10,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"tag": "important"

if (!activityServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(activityServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"activityItems",});{"query",});{"cursor",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • activityItems - array of ActivityItem - ActivityItems is the list of items.
  • query - ActivityQuery - Query is the query that was used to generate the response.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor is used to page through results. Empty for the first page. For subsequent pages, use previously returned Cursor values.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"activityItems": [
			"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
			"activityKind": "incidentCreated",
			"attachments": [
					"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
					"attachmentErr": "file too large",
					"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
					"contentLength": 123456,
					"contentType": "image/jpeg",
					"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"displayType": "list",
					"downloadURL": "",
					"ext": ".jpg",
					"fileType": "image",
					"hasThumbnail": true,
					"path": "filename.jpg",
					"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
					"sourceURL": "",
					"thumbnailURL": "",
					"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"useSourceURL": true
					"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
					"attachmentErr": "file too large",
					"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
					"contentLength": 123456,
					"contentType": "image/jpeg",
					"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"displayType": "list",
					"downloadURL": "",
					"ext": ".jpg",
					"fileType": "image",
					"hasThumbnail": true,
					"path": "filename.jpg",
					"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
					"sourceURL": "",
					"thumbnailURL": "",
					"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"useSourceURL": true
			"body": "The incident was created by user-123",
			"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"fieldValues": {
				"something-else": true,
				"title": "new title"
			"immutable": true,
			"incidentID": "incident-123",
			"relevance": "low",
			"subjectUser": {
				"name": "Morty Smith",
				"photoURL": "",
				"userID": "user-123"
			"tags": [
			"url": "",
			"user": {
				"name": "Morty Smith",
				"photoURL": "",
				"userID": "user-123"
			"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
			"activityKind": "incidentCreated",
			"attachments": [
					"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
					"attachmentErr": "file too large",
					"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
					"contentLength": 123456,
					"contentType": "image/jpeg",
					"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"displayType": "list",
					"downloadURL": "",
					"ext": ".jpg",
					"fileType": "image",
					"hasThumbnail": true,
					"path": "filename.jpg",
					"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
					"sourceURL": "",
					"thumbnailURL": "",
					"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"useSourceURL": true
					"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
					"attachmentErr": "file too large",
					"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
					"contentLength": 123456,
					"contentType": "image/jpeg",
					"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"displayType": "list",
					"downloadURL": "",
					"ext": ".jpg",
					"fileType": "image",
					"hasThumbnail": true,
					"path": "filename.jpg",
					"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
					"sourceURL": "",
					"thumbnailURL": "",
					"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"useSourceURL": true
			"body": "The incident was created by user-123",
			"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"fieldValues": {
				"something-else": true,
				"title": "new title"
			"immutable": true,
			"incidentID": "incident-123",
			"relevance": "low",
			"subjectUser": {
				"name": "Morty Smith",
				"photoURL": "",
				"userID": "user-123"
			"tags": [
			"url": "",
			"user": {
				"name": "Morty Smith",
				"photoURL": "",
				"userID": "user-123"
	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"query": {
		"activityKind": [
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"limit": 10,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"tag": "important"


RemoveActivity removes an activity item.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • activityItemID - string - ActivityItemID is the unique identifier of the ActivityItem.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	activityService := incident.NewActivityService(client)
	// make the request...
	removeActivityResp, err := activityService.RemoveActivity(ctx, main.RemoveActivityRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		ActivityItemID: "activity-item-123",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("ActivityItem: %+v\n", removeActivityResp.ActivityItem)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", removeActivityResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, ActivityService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const activityService = new ActivityService(client);

// RemoveActivity removes an activity item.
const activityServiceResp = await activityService.removeActivity({
	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"

if (!activityServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(activityServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"activityItem",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • activityItem - ActivityItem - ActivityItem is the updated ActivityItem.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"activityItem": {
		"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
		"activityKind": "incidentCreated",
		"attachments": [
				"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
				"attachmentErr": "file too large",
				"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
				"contentLength": 123456,
				"contentType": "image/jpeg",
				"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"displayType": "list",
				"downloadURL": "",
				"ext": ".jpg",
				"fileType": "image",
				"hasThumbnail": true,
				"path": "filename.jpg",
				"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
				"sourceURL": "",
				"thumbnailURL": "",
				"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"useSourceURL": true
				"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
				"attachmentErr": "file too large",
				"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
				"contentLength": 123456,
				"contentType": "image/jpeg",
				"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"displayType": "list",
				"downloadURL": "",
				"ext": ".jpg",
				"fileType": "image",
				"hasThumbnail": true,
				"path": "filename.jpg",
				"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
				"sourceURL": "",
				"thumbnailURL": "",
				"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"useSourceURL": true
		"body": "The incident was created by user-123",
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"fieldValues": {
			"something-else": true,
			"title": "new title"
		"immutable": true,
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"relevance": "low",
		"subjectUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"tags": [
		"url": "",
		"user": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
	"error": "something went wrong"


UpdateActivityBody updates the body of a specific activity item.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • activityItemID - string - ActivityItemID is the unique identifier of the ActivityItem.
  • body - string - Body is the new body to use for the given activity item
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"body": "New contents",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	activityService := incident.NewActivityService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateActivityBodyResp, err := activityService.UpdateActivityBody(ctx, main.UpdateActivityBodyRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		ActivityItemID: "activity-item-123",
		Body: "New contents",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("ActivityItem: %+v\n", updateActivityBodyResp.ActivityItem)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateActivityBodyResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"body": "New contents",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, ActivityService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const activityService = new ActivityService(client);

// UpdateActivityBody updates the body of a specific activity item.
const activityServiceResp = await activityService.updateActivityBody({
	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"body": "New contents",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"

if (!activityServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(activityServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"activityItem",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • activityItem - ActivityItem - ActivityItem is the updated ActivityItem.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"activityItem": {
		"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
		"activityKind": "incidentCreated",
		"attachments": [
				"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
				"attachmentErr": "file too large",
				"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
				"contentLength": 123456,
				"contentType": "image/jpeg",
				"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"displayType": "list",
				"downloadURL": "",
				"ext": ".jpg",
				"fileType": "image",
				"hasThumbnail": true,
				"path": "filename.jpg",
				"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
				"sourceURL": "",
				"thumbnailURL": "",
				"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"useSourceURL": true
				"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
				"attachmentErr": "file too large",
				"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
				"contentLength": 123456,
				"contentType": "image/jpeg",
				"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"displayType": "list",
				"downloadURL": "",
				"ext": ".jpg",
				"fileType": "image",
				"hasThumbnail": true,
				"path": "filename.jpg",
				"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
				"sourceURL": "",
				"thumbnailURL": "",
				"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"useSourceURL": true
		"body": "The incident was created by user-123",
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"fieldValues": {
			"something-else": true,
			"title": "new title"
		"immutable": true,
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"relevance": "low",
		"subjectUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"tags": [
		"url": "",
		"user": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
	"error": "something went wrong"


UpdateActivityEventTime updates the event time of a specific activity item.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • activityItemID - string - ActivityItemID is the unique identifier of the ActivityItem.
  • eventTime - string - EventTime is the time when the event occurred. If empty, the created time of the activity item is used. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	activityService := incident.NewActivityService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateActivityEventTimeResp, err := activityService.UpdateActivityEventTime(ctx, main.UpdateActivityEventTimeRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		ActivityItemID: "activity-item-123",
		EventTime: "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("ActivityItem: %+v\n", updateActivityEventTimeResp.ActivityItem)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateActivityEventTimeResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, ActivityService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const activityService = new ActivityService(client);

// UpdateActivityEventTime updates the event time of a specific activity item.
const activityServiceResp = await activityService.updateActivityEventTime({
	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
	"incidentID": "incident-123"

if (!activityServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(activityServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"activityItem",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • activityItem - ActivityItem - ActivityItem is the updated ActivityItem.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"activityItem": {
		"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
		"activityKind": "incidentCreated",
		"attachments": [
				"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
				"attachmentErr": "file too large",
				"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
				"contentLength": 123456,
				"contentType": "image/jpeg",
				"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"displayType": "list",
				"downloadURL": "",
				"ext": ".jpg",
				"fileType": "image",
				"hasThumbnail": true,
				"path": "filename.jpg",
				"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
				"sourceURL": "",
				"thumbnailURL": "",
				"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"useSourceURL": true
				"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
				"attachmentErr": "file too large",
				"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
				"contentLength": 123456,
				"contentType": "image/jpeg",
				"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"displayType": "list",
				"downloadURL": "",
				"ext": ".jpg",
				"fileType": "image",
				"hasThumbnail": true,
				"path": "filename.jpg",
				"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
				"sourceURL": "",
				"thumbnailURL": "",
				"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"useSourceURL": true
		"body": "The incident was created by user-123",
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"fieldValues": {
			"something-else": true,
			"title": "new title"
		"immutable": true,
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"relevance": "low",
		"subjectUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"tags": [
		"url": "",
		"user": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
	"error": "something went wrong"


UpdateActivityRelevance sets the relevance of an activity item.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • activityItemID - string - ActivityItemID is the unique identifier of the ActivityItem.
  • relevance - string - options: "automatic" "archive" "low" "normal" "high" - Relevance is the preferred relevance of the activity item. if set to ‘automatic’ (the default), the relevance will be guessed automatically.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"relevance": "low"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	activityService := incident.NewActivityService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateActivityRelevanceResp, err := activityService.UpdateActivityRelevance(ctx, main.UpdateActivityRelevanceRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		ActivityItemID: "activity-item-123",
		Relevance: "low",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("ActivityItem: %+v\n", updateActivityRelevanceResp.ActivityItem)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateActivityRelevanceResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"relevance": "low"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, ActivityService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const activityService = new ActivityService(client);

// UpdateActivityRelevance sets the relevance of an activity item.
const activityServiceResp = await activityService.updateActivityRelevance({
	"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"relevance": "low"

if (!activityServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(activityServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"activityItem",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • activityItem - ActivityItem - ActivityItem is the updated ActivityItem.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"activityItem": {
		"activityItemID": "activity-item-123",
		"activityKind": "incidentCreated",
		"attachments": [
				"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
				"attachmentErr": "file too large",
				"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
				"contentLength": 123456,
				"contentType": "image/jpeg",
				"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"displayType": "list",
				"downloadURL": "",
				"ext": ".jpg",
				"fileType": "image",
				"hasThumbnail": true,
				"path": "filename.jpg",
				"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
				"sourceURL": "",
				"thumbnailURL": "",
				"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"useSourceURL": true
				"attachedByUserID": "user-123",
				"attachmentErr": "file too large",
				"attachmentID": "attachment-123",
				"contentLength": 123456,
				"contentType": "image/jpeg",
				"deletedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"displayType": "list",
				"downloadURL": "",
				"ext": ".jpg",
				"fileType": "image",
				"hasThumbnail": true,
				"path": "filename.jpg",
				"sHA512": "327232b67c88cba87c0a85a32bb192df527c21854d6515144d691f8cf1554f8e9969eed443b85e00d5ea21628c0ca4b6bbc9f26c837815fad6e9b3881cbb5cfd",
				"sourceURL": "",
				"thumbnailURL": "",
				"uploadTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"useSourceURL": true
		"body": "The incident was created by user-123",
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"eventTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"fieldValues": {
			"something-else": true,
			"title": "new title"
		"immutable": true,
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"relevance": "low",
		"subjectUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"tags": [
		"url": "",
		"user": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
	"error": "something went wrong"


IncidentsService provides the ability to query, get, declare (create), update, and manage Incidents programatically. You can also assign roles and update labels.


AddLabel adds a label to the Incident.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • label - IncidentLabel - Label is the new label of the Incident.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"label": {
		"colorHex": "#ff0000",
		"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
		"label": "customers-affected"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	addLabelResp, err := incidentsService.AddLabel(ctx, main.AddLabelRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		Label: main.IncidentLabel{
			Label: "customers-affected",
			Description: "Customers are affected by this incident.",
			ColorHex: "#ff0000",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incident: %+v\n", addLabelResp.Incident)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", addLabelResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"label": {
		"colorHex": "#ff0000",
		"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
		"label": "customers-affected"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// AddLabel adds a label to the Incident.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.addLabel({
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"label": {
		"colorHex": "#ff0000",
		"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
		"label": "customers-affected"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incident",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incident": {
		"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"createdByUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"durationSeconds": 60,
		"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
		"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"incidentMembership": {
			"assignments": [
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
			"totalAssignments": 5,
			"totalParticipants": 3
		"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"isDrill": true,
		"labels": [
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
		"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
		"severity": "minor",
		"status": "active",
		"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
		"taskList": {
			"doneCount": 8,
			"tasks": [
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
			"todoCount": 5
		"title": "high latency in web requests"


AssignRole assigns a role to a user.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • userID - string - UserID is the identifier of the person to assign the role to.
  • role - string - options: "commander" "investigator" "observer" - Role is the role of this person.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"role": "commander",
	"userID": "grafana-incident:user-123"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	assignRoleResp, err := incidentsService.AssignRole(ctx, main.AssignRoleRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		UserID: "grafana-incident:user-123",
		Role: "commander",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incident: %+v\n", assignRoleResp.Incident)
	log.Printf("DidChange: %+v\n", assignRoleResp.DidChange)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", assignRoleResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"role": "commander",
	"userID": "grafana-incident:user-123"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// AssignRole assigns a role to a user.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.assignRole({
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"role": "commander",
	"userID": "grafana-incident:user-123"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incident",});{"didChange",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just updated.
  • didChange - boolean - DidChange indicates if the role was changed or not. If the role was already assigned, this will be false.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"didChange": true,
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incident": {
		"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"createdByUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"durationSeconds": 60,
		"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
		"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"incidentMembership": {
			"assignments": [
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
			"totalAssignments": 5,
			"totalParticipants": 3
		"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"isDrill": true,
		"labels": [
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
		"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
		"severity": "minor",
		"status": "active",
		"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
		"taskList": {
			"doneCount": 8,
			"tasks": [
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
			"todoCount": 5
		"title": "high latency in web requests"


CreateIncident creates a new Incident.


  • title - string - Title is the headline title of the Incident. Shorter the better, but should contain enough information to be able to identify and refer to this issue.
  • severity - string - Severity expresses how bad the Incident is.
  • labels - array of IncidentLabel - Labels are the labels associated with the Incident. Only the Label string is processed, the other fields are ignored.
  • roomPrefix - string - RoomPrefix is the prefix that will be used to create the Incident room.
  • isDrill - boolean - IsDrill indicates if the Incident is a drill or not. Incidents that are drills do not show up in the dashboards, and may behave subtly differently in other ways too. For example, during drills, more help might be offered to users.
  • status - string - options: "active" "resolved" - Status is the starting status of the Incident. Use “resolved” to open a retrospective incident.
  • attachCaption - string - AttachCaption is the title of associated URL.
  • attachURL - string - AttachURLis the associated URL.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"attachCaption": "Grafana Incident: Powerful incident management, built on top of Grafana",
	"attachURL": "",
	"isDrill": true,
	"labels": [
			"colorHex": "#ff0000",
			"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
			"label": "customers-affected"
			"colorHex": "#ff0000",
			"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
			"label": "customers-affected"
	"roomPrefix": "incident",
	"severity": "minor",
	"status": "active",
	"title": "High latency in web requests"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	createIncidentResp, err := incidentsService.CreateIncident(ctx, main.CreateIncidentRequest{
		Title: "High latency in web requests",
		Severity: "minor",
		Labels: main.IncidentLabel{
			Label: "customers-affected",
			Description: "Customers are affected by this incident.",
			ColorHex: "#ff0000",
		RoomPrefix: "incident",
		IsDrill: true,
		Status: "active",
		AttachCaption: "Grafana Incident: Powerful incident management, built on top of Grafana",
		AttachURL: "",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incident: %+v\n", createIncidentResp.Incident)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", createIncidentResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"attachCaption": "Grafana Incident: Powerful incident management, built on top of Grafana",
	"attachURL": "",
	"isDrill": true,
	"labels": [
			"colorHex": "#ff0000",
			"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
			"label": "customers-affected"
			"colorHex": "#ff0000",
			"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
			"label": "customers-affected"
	"roomPrefix": "incident",
	"severity": "minor",
	"status": "active",
	"title": "High latency in web requests"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// CreateIncident creates a new Incident.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.createIncident({
	"attachCaption": "Grafana Incident: Powerful incident management, built on top of Grafana",
	"attachURL": "",
	"isDrill": true,
	"labels": [
			"colorHex": "#ff0000",
			"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
			"label": "customers-affected"
			"colorHex": "#ff0000",
			"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
			"label": "customers-affected"
	"roomPrefix": "incident",
	"severity": "minor",
	"status": "active",
	"title": "High latency in web requests"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incident",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was created.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incident": {
		"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"createdByUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"durationSeconds": 60,
		"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
		"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"incidentMembership": {
			"assignments": [
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
			"totalAssignments": 5,
			"totalParticipants": 3
		"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"isDrill": true,
		"labels": [
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
		"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
		"severity": "minor",
		"status": "active",
		"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
		"taskList": {
			"doneCount": 8,
			"tasks": [
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
			"todoCount": 5
		"title": "high latency in web requests"


GetIncident gets an existing Incident by ID.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	getIncidentResp, err := incidentsService.GetIncident(ctx, main.GetIncidentRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incident: %+v\n", getIncidentResp.Incident)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", getIncidentResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// GetIncident gets an existing Incident by ID.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.getIncident({
	"incidentID": "incident-123"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incident",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incident": {
		"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"createdByUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"durationSeconds": 60,
		"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
		"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"incidentMembership": {
			"assignments": [
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
			"totalAssignments": 5,
			"totalParticipants": 3
		"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"isDrill": true,
		"labels": [
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
		"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
		"severity": "minor",
		"status": "active",
		"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
		"taskList": {
			"doneCount": 8,
			"tasks": [
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
			"todoCount": 5
		"title": "high latency in web requests"


GetIncidentMembership will return the full list of people involved in an incident


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "1"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	getIncidentMembershipResp, err := incidentsService.GetIncidentMembership(ctx, main.GetIncidentMembershipRequest{
		IncidentID: "1",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Assignments: %+v\n", getIncidentMembershipResp.Assignments)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", getIncidentMembershipResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "1"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// GetIncidentMembership will return the full list of people involved in an incident
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.getIncidentMembership({
	"incidentID": "1"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"assignments",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • assignments - array of Assignment - IncidentMembership is the list of people involved in an incident
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"assignments": [
			"role": {
				"archived": true,
				"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
				"important": true,
				"mandatory": true,
				"name": "commander",
				"orgID": "org-1",
				"roleID": 1,
				"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
			"roleID": 1,
			"user": {
				"name": "Morty Smith",
				"photoURL": "",
				"userID": "user-123"
			"role": {
				"archived": true,
				"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
				"important": true,
				"mandatory": true,
				"name": "commander",
				"orgID": "org-1",
				"roleID": 1,
				"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
			"roleID": 1,
			"user": {
				"name": "Morty Smith",
				"photoURL": "",
				"userID": "user-123"
	"error": "something went wrong"


QueryIncidentPreviews gets a list of Incident Previews.


  • query - IncidentPreviewsQuery - Query describes the query to make.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor is used to page through results. Empty for the first page. For subsequent pages, use previously returned Cursor values.
  • includeCustomFieldValues - boolean - IncludeCustomFieldValues if true will include custom field values in the response.
  • includeMembershipPreview - boolean - IncludeMembershipPreview if true will include membership previews in the response.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"includeCustomFieldValues": true,
	"includeMembershipPreview": true,
	"query": {
		"limit": 10,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"orderField": "createdTime",
		"queryString": "isdrill:false or(label:security label:important)"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	queryIncidentPreviewsResp, err := incidentsService.QueryIncidentPreviews(ctx, main.QueryIncidentPreviewsRequest{
		Query: main.IncidentPreviewsQuery{
			Limit: 10,
			OrderDirection: "ASC",
			OrderField: "createdTime",
			QueryString: "isdrill:false or(label:security label:important)",
		Cursor: main.Cursor{
			NextValue: "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg",
			HasMore: true,
		IncludeCustomFieldValues: true,
		IncludeMembershipPreview: true,
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("IncidentPreviews: %+v\n", queryIncidentPreviewsResp.IncidentPreviews)
	log.Printf("Query: %+v\n", queryIncidentPreviewsResp.Query)
	log.Printf("Cursor: %+v\n", queryIncidentPreviewsResp.Cursor)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", queryIncidentPreviewsResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"includeCustomFieldValues": true,
	"includeMembershipPreview": true,
	"query": {
		"limit": 10,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"orderField": "createdTime",
		"queryString": "isdrill:false or(label:security label:important)"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// QueryIncidentPreviews gets a list of Incident Previews.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.queryIncidentPreviews({
	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"includeCustomFieldValues": true,
	"includeMembershipPreview": true,
	"query": {
		"limit": 10,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"orderField": "createdTime",
		"queryString": "isdrill:false or(label:security label:important)"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incidentPreviews",});{"query",});{"cursor",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incidentPreviews - array of IncidentPreview - IncidentPreviews is a list of Incident Previews.
  • query - IncidentPreviewsQuery - Query is the query that was used to generate this response.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor should be passed back to get the next page of results.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incidentPreviews": [
			"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"createdByUser": {
				"name": "Morty Smith",
				"photoURL": "",
				"userID": "user-123"
			"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"description": "Looks like there is a problem with the load balancers...",
			"fieldValues": [
					"fieldUUID": "3fb1e5d7-3ef2-11ef-b731-deab26f9180f",
					"value": "value"
					"fieldUUID": "3fb1e5d7-3ef2-11ef-b731-deab26f9180f",
					"value": "value"
			"heroImagePath": "/incident/api/hero-images/1234/mb6SVYPti2uY1qOokhs2mavgMFOtqDe/v1234/1234.png",
			"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
			"incidentID": "incident-123",
			"incidentMembershipPreview": {
				"importantAssignments": [
						"roleID": 1,
						"user": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"roleID": 1,
						"user": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
				"totalAssignments": 5,
				"totalParticipants": 3
			"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
			"incidentType": "internal",
			"isDrill": true,
			"labels": [
					"colorHex": "#ff0000",
					"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
					"label": "customers-affected"
					"colorHex": "#ff0000",
					"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
					"label": "customers-affected"
			"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"severityID": "severity-123",
			"severityLabel": "major",
			"slug": "high-latency-in-web-requests",
			"status": "active",
			"summary": "Lighting struck the server so we lost some throughput. We sprayed it with an 8-bit fire extinguisher and now it's back to normal.",
			"title": "high latency in web requests",
			"version": 4
			"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"createdByUser": {
				"name": "Morty Smith",
				"photoURL": "",
				"userID": "user-123"
			"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"description": "Looks like there is a problem with the load balancers...",
			"fieldValues": [
					"fieldUUID": "3fb1e5d7-3ef2-11ef-b731-deab26f9180f",
					"value": "value"
					"fieldUUID": "3fb1e5d7-3ef2-11ef-b731-deab26f9180f",
					"value": "value"
			"heroImagePath": "/incident/api/hero-images/1234/mb6SVYPti2uY1qOokhs2mavgMFOtqDe/v1234/1234.png",
			"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
			"incidentID": "incident-123",
			"incidentMembershipPreview": {
				"importantAssignments": [
						"roleID": 1,
						"user": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"roleID": 1,
						"user": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
				"totalAssignments": 5,
				"totalParticipants": 3
			"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
			"incidentType": "internal",
			"isDrill": true,
			"labels": [
					"colorHex": "#ff0000",
					"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
					"label": "customers-affected"
					"colorHex": "#ff0000",
					"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
					"label": "customers-affected"
			"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"severityID": "severity-123",
			"severityLabel": "major",
			"slug": "high-latency-in-web-requests",
			"status": "active",
			"summary": "Lighting struck the server so we lost some throughput. We sprayed it with an 8-bit fire extinguisher and now it's back to normal.",
			"title": "high latency in web requests",
			"version": 4
	"query": {
		"limit": 10,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"orderField": "createdTime",
		"queryString": "isdrill:false or(label:security label:important)"


QueryIncidents gets a list of Incidents.
Deprecated: use QueryIncidentPreviews instead.


  • query - IncidentsQuery - Query describes the query to make.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor is used to page through results. Empty for the first page. For subsequent pages, use previously returned Cursor values.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"query": {
		"dateFrom": "2021-01-01T02:07:14+00:00",
		"dateTo": "2021-01-01T02:07:14+00:00",
		"excludeStatuses": [
		"incidentLabels": [
		"includeStatuses": [
		"limit": 10,
		"onlyDrills": true,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"queryString": "isdrill:false any(label:security label:important)",
		"severity": "major"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	queryIncidentsResp, err := incidentsService.QueryIncidents(ctx, main.QueryIncidentsRequest{
		Query: main.IncidentsQuery{
			Limit: 10,
			IncludeStatuses: ["active"],
			ExcludeStatuses: ["closed"],
			IncidentLabels: ["security","customersaffected"],
			DateFrom: "2021-01-01T02:07:14+00:00",
			DateTo: "2021-01-01T02:07:14+00:00",
			OnlyDrills: true,
			OrderDirection: "ASC",
			Severity: "major",
			QueryString: "isdrill:false any(label:security label:important)",
		Cursor: main.Cursor{
			NextValue: "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg",
			HasMore: true,
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incidents: %+v\n", queryIncidentsResp.Incidents)
	log.Printf("Query: %+v\n", queryIncidentsResp.Query)
	log.Printf("Cursor: %+v\n", queryIncidentsResp.Cursor)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", queryIncidentsResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"query": {
		"dateFrom": "2021-01-01T02:07:14+00:00",
		"dateTo": "2021-01-01T02:07:14+00:00",
		"excludeStatuses": [
		"incidentLabels": [
		"includeStatuses": [
		"limit": 10,
		"onlyDrills": true,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"queryString": "isdrill:false any(label:security label:important)",
		"severity": "major"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// QueryIncidents gets a list of Incidents.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.queryIncidents({
	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"query": {
		"dateFrom": "2021-01-01T02:07:14+00:00",
		"dateTo": "2021-01-01T02:07:14+00:00",
		"excludeStatuses": [
		"incidentLabels": [
		"includeStatuses": [
		"limit": 10,
		"onlyDrills": true,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"queryString": "isdrill:false any(label:security label:important)",
		"severity": "major"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incidents",});{"query",});{"cursor",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incidents - array of Incident - Incidents is a list of Incidents.
  • query - IncidentsQuery - Query is the query that was used to generate this response.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor should be passed back to get the next page of results.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"cursor": {
		"hasMore": true,
		"nextValue": "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg"
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incidents": [
			"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"createdByUser": {
				"name": "Morty Smith",
				"photoURL": "",
				"userID": "user-123"
			"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"durationSeconds": 60,
			"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
			"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
			"incidentID": "incident-123",
			"incidentMembership": {
				"assignments": [
						"role": {
							"archived": true,
							"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
							"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
							"important": true,
							"mandatory": true,
							"name": "commander",
							"orgID": "org-1",
							"roleID": 1,
							"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
						"roleID": 1,
						"user": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"role": {
							"archived": true,
							"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
							"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
							"important": true,
							"mandatory": true,
							"name": "commander",
							"orgID": "org-1",
							"roleID": 1,
							"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
						"roleID": 1,
						"user": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
				"totalAssignments": 5,
				"totalParticipants": 3
			"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
			"isDrill": true,
			"labels": [
					"colorHex": "#ff0000",
					"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
					"label": "customers-affected"
					"colorHex": "#ff0000",
					"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
					"label": "customers-affected"
			"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
			"severity": "minor",
			"status": "active",
			"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
			"taskList": {
				"doneCount": 8,
				"tasks": [
						"assignedUser": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"authorUser": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"immutable": true,
						"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"status": "todo",
						"taskID": "task-123456",
						"text": "Assign an investigator"
						"assignedUser": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"authorUser": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"immutable": true,
						"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"status": "todo",
						"taskID": "task-123456",
						"text": "Assign an investigator"
				"todoCount": 5
			"title": "high latency in web requests"
			"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"createdByUser": {
				"name": "Morty Smith",
				"photoURL": "",
				"userID": "user-123"
			"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"durationSeconds": 60,
			"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
			"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
			"incidentID": "incident-123",
			"incidentMembership": {
				"assignments": [
						"role": {
							"archived": true,
							"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
							"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
							"important": true,
							"mandatory": true,
							"name": "commander",
							"orgID": "org-1",
							"roleID": 1,
							"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
						"roleID": 1,
						"user": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"role": {
							"archived": true,
							"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
							"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
							"important": true,
							"mandatory": true,
							"name": "commander",
							"orgID": "org-1",
							"roleID": 1,
							"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
						"roleID": 1,
						"user": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
				"totalAssignments": 5,
				"totalParticipants": 3
			"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
			"isDrill": true,
			"labels": [
					"colorHex": "#ff0000",
					"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
					"label": "customers-affected"
					"colorHex": "#ff0000",
					"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
					"label": "customers-affected"
			"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
			"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
			"severity": "minor",
			"status": "active",
			"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
			"taskList": {
				"doneCount": 8,
				"tasks": [
						"assignedUser": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"authorUser": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"immutable": true,
						"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"status": "todo",
						"taskID": "task-123456",
						"text": "Assign an investigator"
						"assignedUser": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"authorUser": {
							"name": "Morty Smith",
							"photoURL": "",
							"userID": "user-123"
						"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"immutable": true,
						"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"status": "todo",
						"taskID": "task-123456",
						"text": "Assign an investigator"
				"todoCount": 5
			"title": "high latency in web requests"
	"query": {
		"dateFrom": "2021-01-01T02:07:14+00:00",
		"dateTo": "2021-01-01T02:07:14+00:00",
		"excludeStatuses": [
		"incidentLabels": [
		"includeStatuses": [
		"limit": 10,
		"onlyDrills": true,
		"orderDirection": "ASC",
		"queryString": "isdrill:false any(label:security label:important)",
		"severity": "major"


RemoveLabel removes a label from the Incident.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • label - string - Label is the label to remove from the Incident.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"label": "customers-affected"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	removeLabelResp, err := incidentsService.RemoveLabel(ctx, main.RemoveLabelRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		Label: "customers-affected",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incident: %+v\n", removeLabelResp.Incident)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", removeLabelResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"label": "customers-affected"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// RemoveLabel removes a label from the Incident.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.removeLabel({
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"label": "customers-affected"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incident",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incident": {
		"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"createdByUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"durationSeconds": 60,
		"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
		"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"incidentMembership": {
			"assignments": [
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
			"totalAssignments": 5,
			"totalParticipants": 3
		"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"isDrill": true,
		"labels": [
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
		"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
		"severity": "minor",
		"status": "active",
		"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
		"taskList": {
			"doneCount": 8,
			"tasks": [
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
			"todoCount": 5
		"title": "high latency in web requests"


UnassignRole removes a role assignment from a user.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • userID - string - UserID is the identifier of the person to assign the role to.
  • role - string - options: "commander" "investigator" "observer" - Role is the role of this person.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"role": "commander",
	"userID": "grafana-incident:user-123"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	unassignRoleResp, err := incidentsService.UnassignRole(ctx, main.UnassignRoleRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		UserID: "grafana-incident:user-123",
		Role: "commander",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incident: %+v\n", unassignRoleResp.Incident)
	log.Printf("DidChange: %+v\n", unassignRoleResp.DidChange)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", unassignRoleResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"role": "commander",
	"userID": "grafana-incident:user-123"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// UnassignRole removes a role assignment from a user.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.unassignRole({
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"role": "commander",
	"userID": "grafana-incident:user-123"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incident",});{"didChange",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just updated.
  • didChange - boolean - DidChange indicates if the role was changed or not. If the role was not assigned, this will be false.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"didChange": true,
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incident": {
		"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"createdByUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"durationSeconds": 60,
		"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
		"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"incidentMembership": {
			"assignments": [
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
			"totalAssignments": 5,
			"totalParticipants": 3
		"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"isDrill": true,
		"labels": [
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
		"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
		"severity": "minor",
		"status": "active",
		"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
		"taskList": {
			"doneCount": 8,
			"tasks": [
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
			"todoCount": 5
		"title": "high latency in web requests"


UpdateIncidentEventTime updates the start or end times of an Incident.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • eventTime - string - EventTime is the new time for the start or end of the incident. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • activityItemKind - string - options: "incidentEnd" "incidentStart" - ActivityItemKind is either the incidentEnd or incidentStart time. deprecated. use EventName instead, ActivityItemKind will be removed soon. (Deprecated: true)
  • eventName - string - options: "incidentEnd" "incidentStart" - EventName is either the incidentEnd or incidentStart time.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"activityItemKind": "incidentEnd",
	"eventName": "incidentEnd",
	"eventTime": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
	"incidentID": "1"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateIncidentEventTimeResp, err := incidentsService.UpdateIncidentEventTime(ctx, main.UpdateIncidentEventTimeRequest{
		IncidentID: "1",
		EventTime: "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		ActivityItemKind: "incidentEnd",
		EventName: "incidentEnd",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateIncidentEventTimeResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"activityItemKind": "incidentEnd",
	"eventName": "incidentEnd",
	"eventTime": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
	"incidentID": "1"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient('', serviceAccountToken);
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// UpdateIncidentEventTime updates the start or end times of an Incident.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.updateIncidentEventTime({
  activityItemKind: 'incidentEnd',
  eventName: 'incidentEnd',
  eventTime: '2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137',
  incidentID: '1',

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong"


UpdateIncidentIsDrill changes whether an Incident is a drill or not.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • isDrill - boolean - IsDrill indicates whether the Incident is a drill or not.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"isDrill": true
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateIncidentIsDrillResp, err := incidentsService.UpdateIncidentIsDrill(ctx, main.UpdateIncidentIsDrillRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		IsDrill: true,
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incident: %+v\n", updateIncidentIsDrillResp.Incident)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateIncidentIsDrillResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"isDrill": true
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// UpdateIncidentIsDrill changes whether an Incident is a drill or not.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.updateIncidentIsDrill({
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"isDrill": true

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incident",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incident": {
		"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"createdByUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"durationSeconds": 60,
		"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
		"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"incidentMembership": {
			"assignments": [
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
			"totalAssignments": 5,
			"totalParticipants": 3
		"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"isDrill": true,
		"labels": [
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
		"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
		"severity": "minor",
		"status": "active",
		"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
		"taskList": {
			"doneCount": 8,
			"tasks": [
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
			"todoCount": 5
		"title": "high latency in web requests"


UpdateSeverity updates the severity of an Incident.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • severity - string - Severity expresses how bad the Incident is.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"severity": "minor"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateSeverityResp, err := incidentsService.UpdateSeverity(ctx, main.UpdateSeverityRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		Severity: "minor",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incident: %+v\n", updateSeverityResp.Incident)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateSeverityResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"severity": "minor"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// UpdateSeverity updates the severity of an Incident.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.updateSeverity({
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"severity": "minor"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incident",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incident": {
		"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"createdByUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"durationSeconds": 60,
		"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
		"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"incidentMembership": {
			"assignments": [
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
			"totalAssignments": 5,
			"totalParticipants": 3
		"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"isDrill": true,
		"labels": [
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
		"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
		"severity": "minor",
		"status": "active",
		"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
		"taskList": {
			"doneCount": 8,
			"tasks": [
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
			"todoCount": 5
		"title": "high latency in web requests"


UpdateStatus updates the status of an Incident.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • status - string - options: "active" "resolved" - Status is the new status of the Incident.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"status": "resolved"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateStatusResp, err := incidentsService.UpdateStatus(ctx, main.UpdateStatusRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		Status: "resolved",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incident: %+v\n", updateStatusResp.Incident)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateStatusResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"status": "resolved"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// UpdateStatus updates the status of an Incident.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.updateStatus({
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"status": "resolved"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incident",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incident": {
		"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"createdByUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"durationSeconds": 60,
		"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
		"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"incidentMembership": {
			"assignments": [
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
			"totalAssignments": 5,
			"totalParticipants": 3
		"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"isDrill": true,
		"labels": [
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
		"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
		"severity": "minor",
		"status": "active",
		"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
		"taskList": {
			"doneCount": 8,
			"tasks": [
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
			"todoCount": 5
		"title": "high latency in web requests"


UpdateTitle updates the title of an Incident.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • title - string - Title is the new title of the Incident.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"title": "High latency in web requests"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	incidentsService := incident.NewIncidentsService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateTitleResp, err := incidentsService.UpdateTitle(ctx, main.UpdateTitleRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123",
		Title: "High latency in web requests",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Incident: %+v\n", updateTitleResp.Incident)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateTitleResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"title": "High latency in web requests"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, IncidentsService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const incidentsService = new IncidentsService(client);

// UpdateTitle updates the title of an Incident.
const incidentsServiceResp = await incidentsService.updateTitle({
	"incidentID": "incident-123",
	"title": "High latency in web requests"

if (!incidentsServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(incidentsServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incident",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incident": {
		"closedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"createdByUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"durationSeconds": 60,
		"heroImagePath": "/relative/path/to/hero/image.png",
		"incidentEnd": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"incidentID": "incident-123",
		"incidentMembership": {
			"assignments": [
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"role": {
						"archived": true,
						"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
						"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
						"important": true,
						"mandatory": true,
						"name": "commander",
						"orgID": "org-1",
						"roleID": 1,
						"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					"roleID": 1,
					"user": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
			"totalAssignments": 5,
			"totalParticipants": 3
		"incidentStart": "2022-02-11 00:50:20.574137",
		"isDrill": true,
		"labels": [
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
				"colorHex": "#ff0000",
				"description": "Customers are affected by this incident.",
				"label": "customers-affected"
		"modifiedTime": "2021-08-07T11:58:23Z",
		"overviewURL": "/a/grafana-incident-app/incidents/incident-123/title",
		"severity": "minor",
		"status": "active",
		"summary": "Something happened, we found out something interesting, then we fixed it.",
		"taskList": {
			"doneCount": 8,
			"tasks": [
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
					"assignedUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"authorUser": {
						"name": "Morty Smith",
						"photoURL": "",
						"userID": "user-123"
					"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"immutable": true,
					"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
					"status": "todo",
					"taskID": "task-123456",
					"text": "Assign an investigator"
			"todoCount": 5
		"title": "high latency in web requests"


RolesService defines the interface for interacting with roles, providing CRUD operations and more fatures related to roles.


ArchiveRole archives a role.


  • roleID - number - Role to be archived to the organization
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"roleID": 1
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	rolesService := incident.NewRolesService(client)
	// make the request...
	archiveRoleResp, err := rolesService.ArchiveRole(ctx, main.ArchiveRoleRequest{
		RoleID: 1,
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", archiveRoleResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"roleID": 1
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, RolesService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient('', serviceAccountToken);
const rolesService = new RolesService(client);

// ArchiveRole archives a role.
const rolesServiceResp = await rolesService.archiveRole({
  roleID: 1,

if (!rolesServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(rolesServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong"


CreateRole creates a role.


  • role - Role - Role to be created to the organization
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"role": {
		"archived": true,
		"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
		"important": true,
		"mandatory": true,
		"name": "commander",
		"orgID": "org-1",
		"roleID": 1,
		"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	rolesService := incident.NewRolesService(client)
	// make the request...
	createRoleResp, err := rolesService.CreateRole(ctx, main.CreateRoleRequest{
		Role: main.Role{
			RoleID: 1,
			OrgID: "org-1",
			Name: "commander",
			Description: "The commander is the incident commander.",
			Important: true,
			Mandatory: true,
			Archived: true,
			CreatedAt: "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
			UpdatedAt: "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Role: %+v\n", createRoleResp.Role)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", createRoleResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"role": {
		"archived": true,
		"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
		"important": true,
		"mandatory": true,
		"name": "commander",
		"orgID": "org-1",
		"roleID": 1,
		"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, RolesService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const rolesService = new RolesService(client);

// CreateRole creates a role.
const rolesServiceResp = await rolesService.createRole({
	"role": {
		"archived": true,
		"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
		"important": true,
		"mandatory": true,
		"name": "commander",
		"orgID": "org-1",
		"roleID": 1,
		"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"

if (!rolesServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(rolesServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"role",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • role - Role - Role is the newly created role.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"role": {
		"archived": true,
		"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
		"important": true,
		"mandatory": true,
		"name": "commander",
		"orgID": "org-1",
		"roleID": 1,
		"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"


DeleteRole deletes a role.


  • roleID - number - Role to be deleted to the organization
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"roleID": 1
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	rolesService := incident.NewRolesService(client)
	// make the request...
	deleteRoleResp, err := rolesService.DeleteRole(ctx, main.DeleteRoleRequest{
		RoleID: 1,
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", deleteRoleResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"roleID": 1
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, RolesService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient('', serviceAccountToken);
const rolesService = new RolesService(client);

// DeleteRole deletes a role.
const rolesServiceResp = await rolesService.deleteRole({
  roleID: 1,

if (!rolesServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(rolesServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong"


GetRoles gets all roles.


  • No fields
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{}'
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	rolesService := incident.NewRolesService(client)
	// make the request...
	getRolesResp, err := rolesService.GetRoles(ctx, main.GetRolesRequest{
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Roles: %+v\n", getRolesResp.Roles)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", getRolesResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

import { GrafanaIncidentClient, RolesService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const rolesService = new RolesService(client);

// GetRoles gets all roles.
const rolesServiceResp = await rolesService.getRoles({});

if (!rolesServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(rolesServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"roles",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • roles - array of Role - Roles is the list of roles.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"roles": [
			"archived": true,
			"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
			"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
			"important": true,
			"mandatory": true,
			"name": "commander",
			"orgID": "org-1",
			"roleID": 1,
			"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
			"archived": true,
			"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
			"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
			"important": true,
			"mandatory": true,
			"name": "commander",
			"orgID": "org-1",
			"roleID": 1,
			"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"


UnarchiveRole unarchives a role.


  • roleID - number - Role to be unarchived to the organization
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"roleID": 1
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	rolesService := incident.NewRolesService(client)
	// make the request...
	unarchiveRoleResp, err := rolesService.UnarchiveRole(ctx, main.UnarchiveRoleRequest{
		RoleID: 1,
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", unarchiveRoleResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"roleID": 1
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, RolesService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient('', serviceAccountToken);
const rolesService = new RolesService(client);

// UnarchiveRole unarchives a role.
const rolesServiceResp = await rolesService.unarchiveRole({
  roleID: 1,

if (!rolesServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(rolesServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong"


UpdateRole updates a role.


  • role - Role - Role to be updated to the organization
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"role": {
		"archived": true,
		"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
		"important": true,
		"mandatory": true,
		"name": "commander",
		"orgID": "org-1",
		"roleID": 1,
		"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	rolesService := incident.NewRolesService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateRoleResp, err := rolesService.UpdateRole(ctx, main.UpdateRoleRequest{
		Role: main.Role{
			RoleID: 1,
			OrgID: "org-1",
			Name: "commander",
			Description: "The commander is the incident commander.",
			Important: true,
			Mandatory: true,
			Archived: true,
			CreatedAt: "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
			UpdatedAt: "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("Role: %+v\n", updateRoleResp.Role)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateRoleResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"role": {
		"archived": true,
		"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
		"important": true,
		"mandatory": true,
		"name": "commander",
		"orgID": "org-1",
		"roleID": 1,
		"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, RolesService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const rolesService = new RolesService(client);

// UpdateRole updates a role.
const rolesServiceResp = await rolesService.updateRole({
	"role": {
		"archived": true,
		"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
		"important": true,
		"mandatory": true,
		"name": "commander",
		"orgID": "org-1",
		"roleID": 1,
		"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"

if (!rolesServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(rolesServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"role",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • role - Role - Role is the newly updated role.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"role": {
		"archived": true,
		"createdAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"description": "The commander is the incident commander.",
		"important": true,
		"mandatory": true,
		"name": "commander",
		"orgID": "org-1",
		"roleID": 1,
		"updatedAt": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"


TasksService provides methods for managing tasks relating to Incidents.

  • AddTask - AddTask adds a task to an Incident.
  • DeleteTask - DeleteTask deletes a task.
  • UpdateTaskStatus - UpdateTaskStatus updates the task's Status.
  • UpdateTaskText - UpdateTaskText updates the task's text.
  • UpdateTaskUser - UpdateTaskUser updates the task's assigned user. Passing an empty user ID will clear the assigned user.


AddTask adds a task to an Incident.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the Incident to add the Task to.
  • text - string - Text is the todo item.
  • assignToUserID - string - AssignToUserId is the user the task wil be assigned to
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"assignToUserID": "User123",
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"text": "Assign an investigator"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	tasksService := incident.NewTasksService(client)
	// make the request...
	addTaskResp, err := tasksService.AddTask(ctx, main.AddTaskRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123456",
		Text: "Assign an investigator",
		AssignToUserId: "User123",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("IncidentID: %+v\n", addTaskResp.IncidentID)
	log.Printf("Task: %+v\n", addTaskResp.Task)
	log.Printf("TaskList: %+v\n", addTaskResp.TaskList)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", addTaskResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"assignToUserID": "User123",
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"text": "Assign an investigator"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, TasksService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const tasksService = new TasksService(client);

// AddTask adds a task to an Incident.
const tasksServiceResp = await tasksService.addTask({
	"assignToUserID": "User123",
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"text": "Assign an investigator"

if (!tasksServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(tasksServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incidentID",});{"task",});{"taskList",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the incident these tasks relate to.
  • task - Task - Task is the newly added Task. It will also appear in Tasks.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the tasks list.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"task": {
		"assignedUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"authorUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"immutable": true,
		"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"status": "todo",
		"taskID": "task-123456",
		"text": "Assign an investigator"
	"taskList": {
		"doneCount": 8,
		"tasks": [
				"assignedUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"authorUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"immutable": true,
				"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"status": "todo",
				"taskID": "task-123456",
				"text": "Assign an investigator"
				"assignedUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"authorUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"immutable": true,
				"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"status": "todo",
				"taskID": "task-123456",
				"text": "Assign an investigator"
		"todoCount": 5


DeleteTask deletes a task.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the Incident.
  • taskID - string - TaskID is the ID of the task.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "inccident-123456",
	"taskID": "task-123456"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	tasksService := incident.NewTasksService(client)
	// make the request...
	deleteTaskResp, err := tasksService.DeleteTask(ctx, main.DeleteTaskRequest{
		IncidentID: "inccident-123456",
		TaskID: "task-123456",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("IncidentID: %+v\n", deleteTaskResp.IncidentID)
	log.Printf("TaskList: %+v\n", deleteTaskResp.TaskList)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", deleteTaskResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "inccident-123456",
	"taskID": "task-123456"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, TasksService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const tasksService = new TasksService(client);

// DeleteTask deletes a task.
const tasksServiceResp = await tasksService.deleteTask({
	"incidentID": "inccident-123456",
	"taskID": "task-123456"

if (!tasksServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(tasksServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incidentID",});{"taskList",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the incident these tasks relate to.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the tasks list.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"taskList": {
		"doneCount": 8,
		"tasks": [
				"assignedUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"authorUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"immutable": true,
				"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"status": "todo",
				"taskID": "task-123456",
				"text": "Assign an investigator"
				"assignedUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"authorUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"immutable": true,
				"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"status": "todo",
				"taskID": "task-123456",
				"text": "Assign an investigator"
		"todoCount": 5


UpdateTaskStatus updates the task's Status.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the Incident to add the Task to.
  • taskID - string - TaskID is the ID of the Task to update.
  • status - string - options: "todo" "progress" "done" - Status is the new status of this task.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"status": "todo",
	"taskID": "task-12345"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	tasksService := incident.NewTasksService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateTaskStatusResp, err := tasksService.UpdateTaskStatus(ctx, main.UpdateTaskStatusRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123456",
		TaskID: "task-12345",
		Status: "todo",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("IncidentID: %+v\n", updateTaskStatusResp.IncidentID)
	log.Printf("Task: %+v\n", updateTaskStatusResp.Task)
	log.Printf("TaskList: %+v\n", updateTaskStatusResp.TaskList)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateTaskStatusResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"status": "todo",
	"taskID": "task-12345"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, TasksService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const tasksService = new TasksService(client);

// UpdateTaskStatus updates the task's Status.
const tasksServiceResp = await tasksService.updateTaskStatus({
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"status": "todo",
	"taskID": "task-12345"

if (!tasksServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(tasksServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incidentID",});{"task",});{"taskList",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the incident these tasks relate to.
  • task - Task - Task is the newly added Task. It will also appear in Tasks.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the tasks list.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"task": {
		"assignedUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"authorUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"immutable": true,
		"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"status": "todo",
		"taskID": "task-123456",
		"text": "Assign an investigator"
	"taskList": {
		"doneCount": 8,
		"tasks": [
				"assignedUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"authorUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"immutable": true,
				"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"status": "todo",
				"taskID": "task-123456",
				"text": "Assign an investigator"
				"assignedUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"authorUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"immutable": true,
				"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"status": "todo",
				"taskID": "task-123456",
				"text": "Assign an investigator"
		"todoCount": 5


UpdateTaskText updates the task's text.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the Incident to add the Task to.
  • taskID - string - TaskID is the ID of the task.
  • text - string - Text is the string that describes the Task.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"taskID": "task-123456",
	"text": "Check the logs"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	tasksService := incident.NewTasksService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateTaskTextResp, err := tasksService.UpdateTaskText(ctx, main.UpdateTaskTextRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123456",
		TaskID: "task-123456",
		Text: "Check the logs",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("IncidentID: %+v\n", updateTaskTextResp.IncidentID)
	log.Printf("Task: %+v\n", updateTaskTextResp.Task)
	log.Printf("TaskList: %+v\n", updateTaskTextResp.TaskList)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateTaskTextResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"taskID": "task-123456",
	"text": "Check the logs"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, TasksService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const tasksService = new TasksService(client);

// UpdateTaskText updates the task's text.
const tasksServiceResp = await tasksService.updateTaskText({
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"taskID": "task-123456",
	"text": "Check the logs"

if (!tasksServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(tasksServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incidentID",});{"task",});{"taskList",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the incident these tasks relate to.
  • task - Task - Task is the newly added Task. It will also appear in Tasks.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the tasks list.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"task": {
		"assignedUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"authorUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"immutable": true,
		"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"status": "todo",
		"taskID": "task-123456",
		"text": "Assign an investigator"
	"taskList": {
		"doneCount": 8,
		"tasks": [
				"assignedUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"authorUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"immutable": true,
				"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"status": "todo",
				"taskID": "task-123456",
				"text": "Assign an investigator"
				"assignedUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"authorUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"immutable": true,
				"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"status": "todo",
				"taskID": "task-123456",
				"text": "Assign an investigator"
		"todoCount": 5


UpdateTaskUser updates the task's assigned user. Passing an empty user ID will clear the assigned user.


  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the Incident to add the Task to.
  • taskID - string - TaskID is the ID of the Task to update.
  • userID - string - UserID is the ID of the User to assign to the Task.
curl "" \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...' \
  --data '{
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"taskID": "task-12345",
	"userID": "user-id"
package main

import (

	incident ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// create a client, and required services...
	serviceAccountToken := os.Getenv("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN")
	client := incident.NewClient("", serviceAccountToken)
	tasksService := incident.NewTasksService(client)
	// make the request...
	updateTaskUserResp, err := tasksService.UpdateTaskUser(ctx, main.UpdateTaskUserRequest{
		IncidentID: "incident-123456",
		TaskID: "task-12345",
		UserID: "user-id",
	if err != nil {
		// something went wrong
		fmt.Errorf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
	// use the output fields...
	log.Printf("IncidentID: %+v\n", updateTaskUserResp.IncidentID)
	log.Printf("Task: %+v\n", updateTaskUserResp.Task)
	log.Printf("TaskList: %+v\n", updateTaskUserResp.TaskList)
	log.Printf("Error: %+v\n", updateTaskUserResp.Error)

Content-Type="application/json; charset=utf-8"
Authorization: Bearer glsa_HOruNAb7SOiCdshU9algkrq7F...

	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"taskID": "task-12345",
	"userID": "user-id"
import { GrafanaIncidentClient, TasksService } from '@grafana/incident-node';

const serviceAccountToken = process.env.GRAFANA_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN;
const client = new GrafanaIncidentClient(
const tasksService = new TasksService(client);

// UpdateTaskUser updates the task's assigned user.
Passing an empty user ID will clear the assigned user.
const tasksServiceResp = await tasksService.updateTaskUser({
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"taskID": "task-12345",
	"userID": "user-id"

if (!tasksServiceResp.success) {
  // handle the error
  throw new Error(tasksServiceResp.error);

// access the fields of the response{"incidentID",});{"task",});{"taskList",});


A 200 response with an empty error field indicates that the request was successful.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the incident these tasks relate to.
  • task - Task - Task is the newly added Task. It will also appear in Tasks.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the tasks list.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.
	"error": "something went wrong",
	"incidentID": "incident-123456",
	"task": {
		"assignedUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"authorUser": {
			"name": "Morty Smith",
			"photoURL": "",
			"userID": "user-123"
		"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"immutable": true,
		"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"status": "todo",
		"taskID": "task-123456",
		"text": "Assign an investigator"
	"taskList": {
		"doneCount": 8,
		"tasks": [
				"assignedUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"authorUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"immutable": true,
				"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"status": "todo",
				"taskID": "task-123456",
				"text": "Assign an investigator"
				"assignedUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"authorUser": {
					"name": "Morty Smith",
					"photoURL": "",
					"userID": "user-123"
				"createdTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"immutable": true,
				"modifiedTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"status": "todo",
				"taskID": "task-123456",
				"text": "Assign an investigator"
		"todoCount": 5


Various other structures (objects) are described throughtout the API reference, and a complete list of them is included here. They included the various Request and Response pairs for each method.

  • ActivityItem - ActivityItem describes an event that occurred related to an Incident.
  • ActivityQuery - ActivityQuery is the response from the QueryActivity method.
  • Assignment - Relation between a User and a Role inside the incident
  • AssignmentPreview - AssignmentPreview describes a person assigned to an incident without the Role object.
  • Attachment - Attachment is a file attached to something.
  • Cursor - Cursor describes the position in a result set. It is passed back into the same API to get the next page of results.
  • CustomMetadataFieldValue - CustomMetadataFieldValue is a custom metadata field value.
  • GetHomescreenVersionRequest - GetHomescreenVersionRequest is the request for the GetHomescreenVersion method.
  • GetHomescreenVersionResponse - GetHomescreenVersionResponse is the response for the GetHomescreenVersion method.
  • GetIncidentVersionRequest - GetIncidentVersionRequest is the request for the GetIncidentVersion method.
  • GetIncidentVersionResponse - GetIncidentVersionResponse is the response for the GetIncidentVersion method.
  • Incident - Incident is a single incident.
  • IncidentLabel - IncidentLabel is a label associated with an Incident.
  • IncidentMembership - IncidentMembership represents a list of people involved in an Incident.
  • IncidentMembershipPreview - IncidentMembershipPreview is a summary of the people involved in an Incident.
  • IncidentPreview - IncidentPreview is a minimal preview of a full Incident (omitting structured children) meant for lightweight listings or getting basic metadata.
  • IncidentPreviewsQuery - IncidentPreviewsQuery describes the query to make.
  • IncidentsQuery - IncidentsQuery is the query for the QueryIncidentsRequest.
  • IncomingWebhookResponse - IncomingWebhookResponse is the response sent back to the webhook caller when an incoming webhook has been received.
  • OutgoingWebhookPayload - OutgoingWebhookPayload represents the webhook HTTP POST body and contains metadata for the webhook.
  • Role - Role represents a role that will be used to assign people in the incident.
  • Task - Task is an individual task that somebody will do to resolve an Incident.
  • TaskList - TaskList is a list of tasks.
  • UserPreview - UserPreview is a user involved in an Incident.


ActivityItem describes an event that occurred related to an Incident.

  • activityItemID - string - The unique identifier of the ActivityItem.
  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the unique identifier of the Incident.
  • user - UserPreview - User is the person who caused the ActivityItem.
  • subjectUser - UserPreview - SubjectUser is the person who was affected by the ActivityItem (not the person who caused it).
  • createdTime - string - CreatedTime is the time when the ActivityItem was created. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • eventTime - string - EventTime is the time when the event occurred. It is configurable by the user. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • activityKind - string - options: "incidentUpdated" "incidentTitleChanged" "incidentStatusChanged" "incidentSeverityChanged" "incidentCreated" "incidentDeleted" "incidentClosed" "roleAssigned" "roleUnassigned" "actionRun" "userNote" "dataQuery" "hookRunMetadata" "taskAdded" "taskUpdated" "taskCompleted" "taskDeleted" "messageReaction" "contextAttached" "incidentIsDrillChanged" "incidentStart" "incidentEnd" "incidentSummary" "labelAdded" "labelRemoved" "siftResult" - ActivityKind is the type of activity this item represents.
  • body - string - Body is a human readable description of the ActivityItem.
  • url - string - URL is an url related with this activity
  • tags - array of string - Tags contains a list of tags associated with this activity.
  • immutable - boolean - Immutable indicates if the activity is immutable.
  • fieldValues - object - FieldValues is an object of field values associated with the ActivityItem. The structure is determined by the ActivityKind.
  • attachments - array of Attachment - Attachments is a list of files attached to this item.
  • relevance - string - options: "automatic" "archive" "low" "normal" "high" - Relevance is the preferred relevance of the activity item. if set to ‘automatic’ (the default), the relevance will be guessed automatically.


ActivityQuery is the response from the QueryActivity method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the unique identifier of the Incident.
  • limit - number - Limit is the number of Incidents to return.
  • tag - string - Tag is the tag to filter by.
  • orderDirection - string - options: "ASC" "DESC" - OrderDirection is the direction to order the results.
  • activityKind - array of string - ActivityKind filters by a list of allowed ActivityKind’s.


AddActivityRequest is the request for the AddActivity method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the unique identifier of the Incident.
  • activityKind - string - options: "userNote" - ActivityKind is the type of activity this item represents.
  • body - string - Body is a human readable description of the ActivityItem. URLs mentioned will be parsed and attached as context.
  • eventTime - string - EventTime is the time when the event occurred. If empty, the current time is used. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.


AddActivityResponse is the response from the AddActivity method.

  • activityItem - ActivityItem - ActivityItem is the newly created ActivityItem.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


AddLabelRequest is the request for the AddLabel method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • label - IncidentLabel - Label is the new label of the Incident.


AddLabelResponse is the response for the AddLabel method.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


AddTaskRequest is the request for the AddTask method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the Incident to add the Task to.
  • text - string - Text is the todo item.
  • assignToUserID - string - AssignToUserId is the user the task wil be assigned to


AddTaskResponse is the response from the AddTask method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the incident these tasks relate to.
  • task - Task - Task is the newly added Task. It will also appear in Tasks.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the tasks list.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


ArchiveRoleRequest is the request to archive a role.

  • roleID - number - Role to be archived to the organization


ArchiveRoleResponse is the response to archive a role.

  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


AssignRoleRequest is the request for the AssignRole method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • userID - string - UserID is the identifier of the person to assign the role to.
  • role - string - options: "commander" "investigator" "observer" - Role is the role of this person.


AssignRoleResponse is the response for the AssignRole method.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just updated.
  • didChange - boolean - DidChange indicates if the role was changed or not. If the role was already assigned, this will be false.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


Relation between a User and a Role inside the incident

  • user - UserPreview - User is the person who holds this role.
  • role - Role - Role is the role string.
  • roleID - number - RoleID is the identifier of the role.


AssignmentPreview describes a person assigned to an incident without the Role object.

  • user - UserPreview - User is the person who holds this role.
  • roleID - number - RoleID is the identifier of the role.


Attachment is a file attached to something.

  • attachmentID - string - AttachmentID is the unique ID of this attachment.
  • attachedByUserID - string - AttachedByUserID is the ID of the user who attached this.
  • sourceURL - string - SourceURL is the URL of the file.
  • useSourceURL - boolean - UseSourceURL is true if the file should be downloaded from the source URL.
  • path - string - Path is the full path of the file.
  • uploadTime - string - UploadTime is the time the file was uploaded.
  • deletedTime - string - DeletedTime is the time the file was deleted. Empty string means the file hasn’t been deleted.
  • contentType - string - ContentType is the type of the file.
  • fileType - string - options: "file" "video" "image" "audio" "screenshare" - FileType is the type of file.
  • ext - string - Ext is the file extension.
  • contentLength - number - ContentLength is the ContentLength of the file in bytes.
  • displayType - string - options: "list" "embed" - DisplayType is how the file will be displayed.
  • downloadURL - string - DownloadURL for download
  • hasThumbnail - boolean - HasThumbnail is true if the file has a thumbnail.
  • thumbnailURL - string - ThumbnailURL for previews
  • sHA512 - string - SHA512 is the hash of the file contents.
  • attachmentErr - string - AttachmentErr is a string describing an error that occurred while processing the attachment.


CreateIncidentRequest is the request for the CreateIncident method.

  • title - string - Title is the headline title of the Incident. Shorter the better, but should contain enough information to be able to identify and refer to this issue.
  • severity - string - Severity expresses how bad the Incident is.
  • labels - array of IncidentLabel - Labels are the labels associated with the Incident. Only the Label string is processed, the other fields are ignored.
  • roomPrefix - string - RoomPrefix is the prefix that will be used to create the Incident room.
  • isDrill - boolean - IsDrill indicates if the Incident is a drill or not. Incidents that are drills do not show up in the dashboards, and may behave subtly differently in other ways too. For example, during drills, more help might be offered to users.
  • status - string - options: "active" "resolved" - Status is the starting status of the Incident. Use “resolved” to open a retrospective incident.
  • attachCaption - string - AttachCaption is the title of associated URL.
  • attachURL - string - AttachURLis the associated URL.


CreateIncidentResponse is the response for the CreateIncident method.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was created.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


CreateRoleRequest is the request to create a role.

  • role - Role - Role to be created to the organization


CreateRoleResponse is the response to create a role.

  • role - Role - Role is the newly created role.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


Cursor describes the position in a result set. It is passed back into the same API to get the next page of results.

  • nextValue - string - NextValue is the start position of the next set of results. The implementation may change, so clients should not rely on this value.
  • hasMore - boolean - HasMore indicates whether there are more results or not. If HasMore is true, you can make the same request again (except using this Cursor instead) to get the next page of results.


CustomMetadataFieldValue is a custom metadata field value.

  • fieldUUID - string - FieldUUID is the ID of the field.
  • value - string - Value is the json encoded value of the field.


DeleteRoleRequest is the request to delete a role.

  • roleID - number - Role to be deleted to the organization


DeleteRoleResponse is the response to delete a role.

  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


DeleteTaskRequest is the request for the DeleteTask method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the Incident.
  • taskID - string - TaskID is the ID of the task.


DeleteTaskResponse is the response from the DeleteTask method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the incident these tasks relate to.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the tasks list.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


GetHomescreenVersionRequest is the request for the GetHomescreenVersion method.

  • No fields


GetHomescreenVersionResponse is the response for the GetHomescreenVersion method.

  • version - number - Version is the refresh value of the home screen. A higher value than last time indicates that the home screen should be refreshed.


GetIncidentMembershipRequest is the request for the GetIncidentMembership method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.


GetIncidentMembershipResponse is the response for the GetIncidentMembership method.

  • assignments - array of Assignment - IncidentMembership is the list of people involved in an incident
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


GetIncidentRequest is the request for the GetIncident method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.


GetIncidentResponse is the response for the GetIncident method.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


GetIncidentVersionRequest is the request for the GetIncidentVersion method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident. A higher value than last time indicates that the dashboard should be refreshed.


GetIncidentVersionResponse is the response for the GetIncidentVersion method.

  • version - number - Version is the refresh value of the Incident.


GetRolesRequest is the request to get all roles.

  • No fields


GetRolesResponse is the response to get all roles.

  • roles - array of Role - Roles is the list of roles.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


Incident is a single incident.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • severity - string - Severity expresses how bad the Incident is.
  • labels - array of IncidentLabel - Labels is a list of strings associated with this Incident.
  • isDrill - boolean - IsDrill indicates if the Incident is a drill or not. Incidents that are drills do not show up in the dashboards, and may behave subtly differently in other ways too. For example, during drills, more help might be offered to users.
  • createdTime - string - CreatedTime is when the Incident was created. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • modifiedTime - string - ModifiedTime is when the Incident was last modified. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • createdByUser - UserPreview - CreatedByUser is the UserPreview that created the Incident.
  • closedTime - string - ClosedTime is when the Incident was closed. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • durationSeconds - number - DurationSeconds is the number of seconds this Incident was (or is) open for.
  • status - string - options: "active" "resolved" - Status is the current status of the Incident.
  • title - string - Title is the high level description of the Incident.
  • overviewURL - string - OverviewURL is the URL to the overview page for the Incident.
  • incidentMembership - IncidentMembership - Assignments describes the individuals involved in the Incident.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the list of tasks associated with the Incident.
  • summary - string - Summary is as short recap of the Incident.
  • heroImagePath - string - HeroImagePath is the path to the hero image for this Incident.
  • incidentStart - string - IncidentStart is when the Incident began. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • incidentEnd - string - IncidentEnd is when the Incident ended. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.


IncidentLabel is a label associated with an Incident.

  • label - string - Label is the text of the label.
  • description - string - Description is a short explanation of the label.
  • colorHex - string - Color is the CSS hex color of the label. Labels show up in both light and dark modes, and this should be taken into consideration when selecting a color.


IncidentMembership represents a list of people involved in an Incident.

  • assignments - array of Assignment - List of all assignments done for that incident
  • totalAssignments - number - Total of assignments including hidden roles in the incident
  • totalParticipants - number - Total of participants in the incident excluding the assigned roles


IncidentMembershipPreview is a summary of the people involved in an Incident.

  • importantAssignments - array of AssignmentPreview - ImportantAssignments is a list of all assignments done for that incident that are marked as important.
  • totalAssignments - number - Total of assignments including hidden roles in the incident
  • totalParticipants - number - Total of hidden roles (like observers) related with that incident


IncidentPreview is a minimal preview of a full Incident (omitting structured children) meant for lightweight listings or getting basic metadata.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • severityID - string - Severity expresses how bad the incident is.
  • severityLabel - string - SeverityLabel is the label of the severity.
  • incidentType - string - options: "internal" "private" - IncidentType indicates the kind of incident to create.
  • labels - array of IncidentLabel - Labels is a list of strings associated with this Incident.
  • isDrill - boolean - IsDrill indicates if the incident is a drill or not. Incidents that are drills do not show up in the dashboards, and may behave subtly differently in other ways too. For example, during drills, more help might be offered to users.
  • createdTime - string - CreatedTime is when the Incident was created. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • modifiedTime - string - ModifiedTime is when the Incident was last modified. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • closedTime - string - ClosedTime is when the Incident was closed. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • createdByUser - UserPreview - CreatedByUser is the UserPreview that created the Incident.
  • title - string - Title is the high level description of the Incident.
  • description - string - Description is a brief description of the Incident.
  • summary - string - Summary is as short recap of the incident.
  • heroImagePath - string - HeroImagePath is the path to the hero image for this Incident.
  • status - string - options: "active" "resolved" - Status is the current status of the Incident.
  • slug - string - Slug is a URL friendly path segment for the Incident.
  • incidentStart - string - IncidentStart is when the Incident began. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • incidentEnd - string - IncidentEnd is when the Incident ended. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • fieldValues - array of CustomMetadataFieldValue - FieldValues is the list of fields associated with the Incident and their values.
  • incidentMembershipPreview - IncidentMembershipPreview - IncidentMembershipPreview is a summary of the people involved in the Incident.
  • version - number - Version is the times that the incident has been updated


IncidentPreviewsQuery describes the query to make.

  • limit - number - Limit is the number of Incidents to return.
  • orderDirection - string - options: "ASC" "DESC" - OrderDirection is the direction to order the results.
  • orderField - string - options: "incidentID" "createdTime" "modifiedTime" "title" "status" "severity" "prefix" "isDrill" "incidentStart" "incidentEnd" "closedTime" - OrderField is the field on which to order the results. If empty, createdTime will be used.
  • queryString - string - QueryString is the query string to search for. If provided, the query will be filtered by the query string and the other query parameters will be ignored.


IncidentsQuery is the query for the QueryIncidentsRequest.

  • limit - number - Limit is the number of Incidents to return.
  • includeStatuses - array of string - options: "active" "resolved" - IncludeStatuses is a list of statuses to include. Only Incidents with the listed statuses will be returned.
  • excludeStatuses - array of string - options: "active" "resolved" - ExcludeStatuses is a list of statuses to exclude. All Incidents that do not match any of these values will be returned.
  • incidentLabels - array of string - IncidentLabels is a list of labels to include. An empty list will not filter by labels.
  • dateFrom - string - DateFrom if is not empty would filter by the Incidents created since that date (time.RFC3339)
  • dateTo - string - DateTo if is not empty would filter by incidents created before that date (time.RFC3339)
  • onlyDrills - boolean - OnlyDrills if is not empty filters by whether an incident is a drill or not.
  • orderDirection - string - options: "ASC" "DESC" - OrderDirection is the direction to order the results.
  • severity - string - Severity is a list of statuses to include. Only Incidents with the listed statuses will be returned.
  • queryString - string - QueryString is the query string to search for. If provided, the query will be filtered by the query string and the other query parameters will be ignored.


IncomingWebhookResponse is the response sent back to the webhook caller when an incoming webhook has been received.

  • incident - *Incident - Incident is the newly declared incident. Only included if the incoming webhook has the include=incident URL parameter.
  • processingErrors - array of string - ProcessingErrors is a list of errors that occurred while processing the webhook. If there are items in this list it does not mean the incident wasn’t created. But you should check to make sure everything was successfully processed before shipping to production.


OutgoingWebhookPayload represents the webhook HTTP POST body and contains metadata for the webhook.

  • version - string - Version of this structure, following semantic versioning.
  • id - string - ID of event.
  • source - string - Source is a URI that identifies the context in which an event happened.
  • time - string - Time that event was generated (RFC 3339).
  • event - string - Event describes the (namespaced) event
  • incident - *Incident - Incident is the data payload, contains details about the data that was changed.


QueryActivityRequest is the request for the QueryActivity method.

  • query - ActivityQuery - Query describes the query to make.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor is used to page through results. Empty for the first page. For subsequent pages, use previously returned Cursor values.


QueryActivityResponse is the response from the QueryActivity method.

  • activityItems - array of ActivityItem - ActivityItems is the list of items.
  • query - ActivityQuery - Query is the query that was used to generate the response.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor is used to page through results. Empty for the first page. For subsequent pages, use previously returned Cursor values.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


QueryIncidentPreviews is the request for the QueryIncidentPreviews method.

  • query - IncidentPreviewsQuery - Query describes the query to make.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor is used to page through results. Empty for the first page. For subsequent pages, use previously returned Cursor values.
  • includeCustomFieldValues - boolean - IncludeCustomFieldValues if true will include custom field values in the response.
  • includeMembershipPreview - boolean - IncludeMembershipPreview if true will include membership previews in the response.


QueryIncidentPreviewsResponse is the response for the QueryIncidentPreviews method.

  • incidentPreviews - array of IncidentPreview - IncidentPreviews is a list of Incident Previews.
  • query - IncidentPreviewsQuery - Query is the query that was used to generate this response.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor should be passed back to get the next page of results.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


QueryIncidentsRequest is the request for the QueryIncidents method.

  • query - IncidentsQuery - Query describes the query to make.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor is used to page through results. Empty for the first page. For subsequent pages, use previously returned Cursor values.


QueryIncidentsResponse is the response for the QueryIncidents method.

  • incidents - array of Incident - Incidents is a list of Incidents.
  • query - IncidentsQuery - Query is the query that was used to generate this response.
  • cursor - Cursor - Cursor should be passed back to get the next page of results.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


RemoveActivityRequest is the request for the RemoveActivity method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • activityItemID - string - ActivityItemID is the unique identifier of the ActivityItem.


RemoveActivityResponse is the response from the RemoveActivity method.

  • activityItem - ActivityItem - ActivityItem is the updated ActivityItem.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


RemoveLabelRequest is the request for the RemoveLabel method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • label - string - Label is the label to remove from the Incident.


RemoveLabelResponse is the response for the RemoveLabel method.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


Role represents a role that will be used to assign people in the incident.

  • roleID - number - RoleID is the unique ID of this role.
  • orgID - string - OrgID is the unique ID of the organization this role belongs to.
  • name - string - Name is the name of the role.
  • description - string - Description is the description of the role.
  • important - boolean - Important is whether this role is important.
  • mandatory - boolean - Mandatory is whether this role is mandatory.
  • archived - boolean - Archived is whether this role is archived. Archived roles are not allowed to be assigned to people in the new incidents. But the historical data is still kept.
  • createdAt - string - CreatedAt is the time this role was created at.
  • updatedAt - string - UpdatedAt is the time this role was updated at.


Task is an individual task that somebody will do to resolve an Incident.

  • taskID - string - TaskID is the ID of the task.
  • immutable - boolean - Immutable is true if the task cannot be changed. Used for tasks created and maintained by the system (like role assignment tasks).
  • createdTime - string - CreatedTime is the time the task was created.
  • modifiedTime - string - ModifiedTime is the time
  • text - string - Text is the string that describes the Task.
  • status - string - options: "todo" "progress" "done" - Status os the status of this task.
  • authorUser - *UserPreview - AuthorUser is the person who created this task.
  • assignedUser - *UserPreview - AssignedUser is the person this task is assigned to.


TaskList is a list of tasks.

  • tasks - array of Task - Tasks is a list of tasks.
  • todoCount - number - TodoCount is the number of items in the list that are not yet done.
  • doneCount - number - DoneCount is the number of items in the list that are done.


UnarchiveRoleRequest is the request to unarchive a role.

  • roleID - number - Role to be unarchived to the organization


UnarchiveRoleResponse is the response to unarchive a role.

  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UnassignRoleRequest is the request for the UnassignRole method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • userID - string - UserID is the identifier of the person to assign the role to.
  • role - string - options: "commander" "investigator" "observer" - Role is the role of this person.


UnassignRoleResponse is the response for the UnassignRole method.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just updated.
  • didChange - boolean - DidChange indicates if the role was changed or not. If the role was not assigned, this will be false.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateActivityBodyRequest is the request for the UpdateActivityBody method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • activityItemID - string - ActivityItemID is the unique identifier of the ActivityItem.
  • body - string - Body is the new body to use for the given activity item


UpdateActivityBodyResponse is the response from the UpdateActivityBody method.

  • activityItem - ActivityItem - ActivityItem is the updated ActivityItem.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateActivityEventTimeRequest is the request for the UpdateActivityEventTime method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • activityItemID - string - ActivityItemID is the unique identifier of the ActivityItem.
  • eventTime - string - EventTime is the time when the event occurred. If empty, the created time of the activity item is used. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.


UpdateActivityEventTimeResponse is the response from the UpdateActivityEventTime method.

  • activityItem - ActivityItem - ActivityItem is the updated ActivityItem.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateActivityRelevanceRequest is the request for the UpdateActivityRelevance method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier.
  • activityItemID - string - ActivityItemID is the unique identifier of the ActivityItem.
  • relevance - string - options: "automatic" "archive" "low" "normal" "high" - Relevance is the preferred relevance of the activity item. if set to ‘automatic’ (the default), the relevance will be guessed automatically.


UpdateActivityRelevanceResponse is the response from the UpdateActivityRelevance method.

  • activityItem - ActivityItem - ActivityItem is the updated ActivityItem.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateIncidentEventTimeRequest is the request for the UpdateIncidentEventTime method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • eventTime - string - EventTime is the new time for the start or end of the incident. The string value format should follow RFC 3339.
  • activityItemKind - string - options: "incidentEnd" "incidentStart" - ActivityItemKind is either the incidentEnd or incidentStart time. deprecated. use EventName instead, ActivityItemKind will be removed soon.
  • eventName - string - options: "incidentEnd" "incidentStart" - EventName is either the incidentEnd or incidentStart time.


UpdateIncidentEventTimeResponse is the response for the UpdateIncidentEventTime method.

  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateIncidentIsDrillRequest is the request for the UpdateIncidentIsDrill method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • isDrill - boolean - IsDrill indicates whether the Incident is a drill or not.


UpdateIncidentIsDrillResponse is the response for the UpdateIncidentIsDrill method.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateRoleRequest is the request to update a role.

  • role - Role - Role to be updated to the organization


UpdateRoleResponse is the response to update a role.

  • role - Role - Role is the newly updated role.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateSeverityRequest is the request for the UpdateSeverity method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • severity - string - Severity expresses how bad the Incident is.


UpdateSeverityResponse is the response for the UpdateSeverity method.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateStatusRequest is the request for the UpdateStatus method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • status - string - options: "active" "resolved" - Status is the new status of the Incident.


UpdateStatusResponse is the response for the UpdateStatus method.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateTaskStatusRequest is the request for the UpdateTaskStatus method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the Incident to add the Task to.
  • taskID - string - TaskID is the ID of the Task to update.
  • status - string - options: "todo" "progress" "done" - Status is the new status of this task.


UpdateTaskStatusResponse is the response from the UpdateTaskStatus method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the incident these tasks relate to.
  • task - Task - Task is the newly added Task. It will also appear in Tasks.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the tasks list.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateTaskTextRequest is the request for the UpdateTaskText method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the Incident to add the Task to.
  • taskID - string - TaskID is the ID of the task.
  • text - string - Text is the string that describes the Task.


UpdateTaskTextResponse is the response from the UpdateTaskText method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the incident these tasks relate to.
  • task - Task - Task is the newly added Task. It will also appear in Tasks.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the tasks list.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateTaskUserRequest is the request for the UpdateTaskUser method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the Incident to add the Task to.
  • taskID - string - TaskID is the ID of the Task to update.
  • userID - string - UserID is the ID of the User to assign to the Task.


UpdateTaskUserResponse is the response from the UpdateTaskUser method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the ID of the incident these tasks relate to.
  • task - Task - Task is the newly added Task. It will also appear in Tasks.
  • taskList - TaskList - TaskList is the tasks list.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UpdateTitleRequest is the request for the UpdateTitle method.

  • incidentID - string - IncidentID is the identifier of the Incident.
  • title - string - Title is the new title of the Incident.


UpdateTitleResponse is the response for the UpdateTitle method.

  • incident - Incident - Incident is the Incident that was just modified.
  • error - string - Error is string explaining what went wrong. Empty if everything was fine.


UserPreview is a user involved in an Incident.

  • userID - string - UserID is the identifier for the user.
  • name - string - Name is a human readable string that represents the user.
  • photoURL - string - PhotoURL is the URL to the profile picture of the user.

This documentation was dynamically generated, please report any issues.