Grafana Cloud

Use notification templates

Use templates in contact points to customize your notifications.

Complete the following steps to add templates to your contact point.

  1. Click an existing contact point or create a new one

  2. In Optional settings, click any field that contains templates.

    For example, if you are creating an email contact point integration, click Message or Subject.

  3. Click Edit. A dialog box opens where you can select templates.

  4. Click Select existing template to select a template and preview it using the default payload.

    You can also copy the selected template and use it in the custom tab.

  5. Click Enter custom message to customize and edit the field directly. Note that the title changes depending on the field you are editing.

  6. You can switch between the two tabs to access the list of available templates and copy them across to the customized version.

  7. Click Save contact point.