
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.


Deploy on Linux

This guide provides a step-by-step process for installing Grafana Enterprise Traces (GET) on Linux. It assumes you have access to a Linux machine and the permissions required to deploy a service with network and filesystem access. At the end of this guide, you will have deployed a single GET instance on a single node.

Before you begin

To follow this guide, you need:

  • A running Grafana Enterprise instance (see installation instructions)
  • A valid GET license with an associated GET cluster name
  • An Amazon S3 compatible object store

System prerequisites

This configuration is an example you can use as a starting point. You may need to have more resources for your system than the minimum specifications listed below. Additional adjustments will be necessary for a production environment.

You must have the permissions required to deploy a service with a network and file system access.

Your Linux system should have at least:

  • 4 CPUs
  • 16 GB of memory

Setup an object storage bucket

GET uses object storage as the backend for its trace storage. It also uses object storage for storing various administrative credentials and data related to the state of the system.

GET and Tempo support using the local filesystem as the backend for trace storage as well. This is not recommended for production deployments and is not supported for storing admin credentials, this guide focuses on setup with an object storage.

This example uses Amazon S3 on the AWS us-east-1 region as your object store. If you plan on using a different region or object storage service, update the storage fields in the configuration file below. Currently, the supported object storage backends are AWS S3, other S3-compliant object stores, and Google Cloud’s GCS.

After you have provisioned an object storage backend, create two buckets: grafana-traces-admin and grafana-traces-data. These buckets will be referenced in the configuration file of this guide. You may need to alter the bucket names to be globally unique.

Consider adding a prefix for your organization to the bucket, for example, myorg-grafana-traces-admin and myorg-grafana-traces-data, and then replacing the names in the rest of these instructions with those bucket names.

Install GET

For more installation options, visit the GET release page.

For a linux-amd64 installation, run the following commands via the command line interface on your Linux machine. You need administrator privileges to do this by running as the root user or via sudo as a user with permissions to do so.

  1. Add a dedicated user and group and then change the password for the user to enterprise-traces:

      groupadd --system enterprise-traces
      useradd --system --home-dir /var/lib/enterprise-traces -g enterprise-traces enterprise-traces
      yes enterprise-traces | passwd enterprise-traces
  2. Create directories and assign ownership.

      mkdir -p /etc/enterprise-traces /var/lib/enterprise-traces /var/lib/enterprise-traces/rules-temp /var/lib/enterprise-traces/wal/search
      chown root:enterprise-traces /etc/enterprise-traces
      chown enterprise-traces:enterprise-traces /var/lib/enterprise-traces /var/lib/enterprise-traces/rules-temp /var/lib enterprise-traces/wal /var/lib/enterprise-traces/wal/search
      chmod 0750 /etc/enterprise-traces /var/lib/enterprise-traces /var/lib/enterprise-traces/wal /var/lib/enterprise-traces/wal/search
  3. Download the enterprise-traces binary, verify checksums, and add network capabilities to the binary:

    curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/enterprise-traces \
    echo d950922d2038c84620ebe63a21786b9eaf8d4ed5f1801e6664133520407e5e86 \
      /usr/local/bin/enterprise-traces | sha256sum -c
    chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/enterprise-traces
    setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/local/bin/enterprise-traces
  4. Set up systemd unit and enable startup on boot:

    cat > /etc/systemd/system/enterprise-traces.service <<EOF
    ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/enterprise-traces \
    -config.file=/etc/enterprise-traces/enterprise-traces.yaml \
    -log.level=warn \
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable enterprise-traces.service

Create a GET configuration file

Copy the following YAML configuration to a file called enterprise-traces.yaml.

Paste in your S3 credentials for admin_client and the storage backend. If you wish to give your cluster a unique name, add a cluster property with the appropriate name. If you do not add a cluster name this will be taken automatically from the license. By default, the cluster_name Update the cluster_name field with the name of the cluster your license was issued for and paste in your S3 credentials for the admin_client.

Refer to the GET configuration documentation for explanations of the available options.

In the following configuration, GET options are altered to only listen to the OTLP gRPC and HTTP protocols. By default, GET listens for all compatible protocols. The extended instructions for installing the TNS application and Grafana Agent to verify that GET is receiving traces relies on the default Jaeger port being available, hence disabling listening on that port in GET for a single Linux node.

multitenancy_enabled: true
  type: enterprise

  path: /etc/enterprise-traces/license.jwt

http_api_prefix: /tempo


        replication_factor: 3

    http_listen_port: 3200

        backend: s3
          bucket: grafana-traces-data
          forcepathstyle: true
          #set to true if endpoint is https
          insecure: true
          access_key: # TODO: insert your key id
          secret_key: # TODO: insert your secret key
          path: /var/lib/enterprise-traces/wal

    enabled: false

      bucket_name: grafana-traces-admin
      access_key_id: # TODO: insert your key id
      secret_access_key: # TODO: insert your secret key
    type: s3

Move the configuration file and license to the proper directory

The enterprise-traces.yaml and license.jwt files need to be moved:

  • enterprise-traces.yaml should be copied to /etc/enterprise-traces/enterprise-traces.yaml
  • license.jwt should be copied to /etc/enterprise-traces/license.jwt

Copy the configuration and the license files to all nodes in the GET cluster:

cp enterprise-traces.yaml /etc/enterprise-traces/enterprise-traces.yaml
cp license.jwt /etc/enterprise-traces/license.jwt

Generate an admin token

  1. Generate an admin token by running the following on a single node in the cluster, using the password for the enterprise-traces user set earlier:

    su enterprise-traces -c "/usr/local/bin/enterprise-traces \
       --config.file=/etc/enterprise-traces/enterprise-traces.yaml \
       --license.path=/etc/enterprise-traces/license.jwt \
       --log.level=warn \
    # Token created:  YWRtaW4tcG9saWN5LWJvb3RzdHJhcC10b2tlbjo8Ujc1IzQyfXBfMjd7fDIwMDRdYVxgeXw=
  2. After you enter your password, the system outputs a new token. Save this token somewhere secure for future API calls and to enable the GET plugin.

    Token created: YourTokenHere12345
  3. You can export the API token to use later in the procedure using the command below. Replace the value for the token with the one you generated.

    export API_TOKEN=YourTokenHere12345

Start the enterprise-traces service

Use systemctl to start the service:

systemctl start enterprise-traces.service

You can replace start with stop to stop the service.

Verify your cluster is working

To verify your cluster is working, run the following command using the token you generated in the previous step.

curl -u :$API_TOKEN localhost:3200/ready

After running the above command, you should see the following output within 30-60 seconds:


This indicates the ingester component is ready to receive trace data.

Set up the GET plugin

Refer to Set up the GET plugin for Grafana to integrate your GET cluster with Grafana and a UI to interact with the Admin API.