Grafana Enterprise Metrics v2.2 release notes

Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.


Version 2.2 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce the release of Grafana Enterprise Metrics (GEM) 2.2, which is built on top of Grafana Mimir 2.2. This means that GEM 2.2 inherits all of the features, enhancements, and bugfixes that are in the Grafana Mimir 2.2 release. Given this, it’s best to start with the Grafana Mimir 2.2 release notes.

For the full list of changes in GEM 2.2, see the Changelog.

Upgrade considerations

  • All API endpoints that are under /api/v1/rules* and /prometheus/rules* have been removed from the GEM ruler component in favor of identical endpoints that use the prefix /prometheus/config/v1/rules*. For Mimir, this is a breaking change; if you use GEM with the GEM gateway, this is not a breaking change because the gateway has been updated to reroute requests from the deleted endpoints to the new endpoints.

  • If you are using the Graphite querier, the remote subquerier is no longer optional. Consequently, the following CLI flags (and their respective YAML configuration options) have been removed: -graphite.querier.enable-remote-subquerier and -graphite.querier.use-remote-results.

We’ve released a new version of our Helm chart at the same time as the GEM 2.2 release. There are breaking changes associated with the Helm chart upgrade. All of these breaking changes are also relevant to you if you use the Helm chart to install Grafana Mimir. Rather than duplicating the documentation about the breaking changes here, see the Upgrade considerations section of the Mimir release notes for details. Alternatively, refer directly to Upgrade the Grafana Mimir Helm chart from version 2.1 to 3.0.

After you upgrade to GEM 2.2, upgrade your Grafana Enterprise GEM plugin to the latest version. For more information about the most recent enhancements and bugfixes, see the Grafana Enterprise Metrics: Changelog.