
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.

Enterprise RSS

Create a Grafana Enterprise Metrics tenant:

  1. Navigate to Grafana Enterprise Metrics > Tenants.

  2. Click on Create new tenant.

  3. Choose a name for this very tenant. For demonstration purposes, use the name dev-tenant.

  4. Select the cluster.

  5. Click Create tenant.

Create tenant
Create tenant

Create an access policy

Create a data source access policy and token, which are used by Grafana Enterprise itself to access the metrics in the tenant named dev-tenant:

  1. Navigate to Grafana Enterprise Metrics > Access policies.
  2. Click Create new access policy.
  3. Choose a name for the policy. For demonstration purposes, use dev-read-write-policy.
  4. Enable the scope metrics:read and metrics:write.
  5. Select the tenant dev-tenant.
  6. Click on Create.
Create access policy
Create access policy
  1. From the newly created access policy, click + Add token.
  2. Name the token dev-token, and click on Create.
  3. In the next window, copy the token.

You can add the following example of a remote-write configuration to your Prometheus or Grafana Cloud Agent configuration files:

  - url: http://enterprise-metrics/api/v1/push
      username: dev-tenant
      password: ZGV2LXJlYWQtd3JpdGVyLXBvbGljeS1kZW1vLXRva2VuOjY/ezduMTVhJDQvPGMvLzQ1SzgsJjFbMQ==

Setup remote-write to your tenant

To enable writes to your cluster, add the above remote-write configuration snippet to the configuration file of an existing Prometheus or Grafana Cloud Agent. If you do not have an existing metrics collector you can get started with the Grafana Cloud Agent.

An example agent configuration would be:

  log_level: info
  http_listen_port: 8081

  wal_directory: /tmp/agent
    scrape_interval: 5s
    - name: default
        - job_name: enterprise-metrics
            - targets: ["localhost:8080"]
        - job_name: agent
            - targets: ["localhost:8081"]

    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    - url: http://<gme-hostname>/api/v1/push
        username: dev-tenant
        password: ZGV2LXJlYWQtd3JpdGVyLXBvbGljeS1kZW1vLXRva2VuOjY/ezduMTVhJDQvPGMvLzQ1SzgsJjFbMQ==

Setup your tenant as a Grafana datasource

Following that we can use this access policy and token to create a new datasource in Grafana:

  1. Navigate to Configuration ≫ Data Sources.

  2. Click on Add new data source.

  3. Select Prometheus.

  4. Set the URL to http://<gme-host>/prometheus.

  5. Enable Basic Auth and use User dev-tenant and as Password the token from your clipboard.

  6. Click Save & Test.

Create datasource
Create datasource

Visualize your data

Once you have created a datasource you should now be able to visualize your metrics in the Grafana Explore page.

Visualize data
Visualize data