
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.


Helm chart components

This section describes the components installed by the Helm Chart.

Loki read and write

By default Loki will be installed in the scalable mode. This consists of a read and write component. These can be scaled-out independently.

By default, the chart installs in Simple Scalable mode. This is the recommended method for most users. To understand the differences between deployment methods, see the Loki deployment modes documentation.

Monitoring Loki

The Loki Helm chart does not deploy self-monitoring by default. Loki clusters can be monitored using the meta-monitoring stack, which monitors the logs, metrics, and traces of the Loki cluster. There are two deployment options for this stack, see the installation instructions within Monitoring.


The meta-monitoring stack replaces the monitoring section of the Loki helm chart which is now DEPRECATED. See the Monitoring section for more information.

This chart includes dashboards for monitoring Loki. These require the scrape configs defined in the monitoring.serviceMonitor and monitoring.selfMonitoring sections described below. The dashboards are deployed via a config map which can be mounted on a Grafana instance. The Dashboard requires an installation of the Grafana Agent and the Prometheus operator. The agent is installed with this chart.


This chart installs the canary and its alerts by default. This is another tool to verify the Loki deployment is in a healthy state. It can be disabled with monitoring.lokiCanary.enabled=false.


By default and inspired by Grafana’s Tanka setup, the chart installs the gateway component which is an NGINX that exposes the Loki API and automatically proxies requests to the correct Loki components (read or write, or single instance in the case of filesystem storage). The gateway must be enabled if an Ingress is required, since the Ingress exposes the gateway only. If the gateway is enabled, Grafana and log shipping agents, such as Promtail, should be configured to use the gateway. If NetworkPolicies are enabled, they are more restrictive if the gateway is enabled.


By default, this chart configures in-memory caching. If that caching does not work for your deployment, you should setup memcache.