
Important: This documentation is about an older version. It's relevant only to the release noted, many of the features and functions have been updated or replaced. Please view the current version.



The geoip stage is a parsing stage that reads an ip address and populates the labelset with geoip fields. Maxmind’s GeoIP2 database is used for the lookup.

Populated fields for City db:

  • geoip_city_name
  • geoip_country_name
  • geoip_continent_name
  • geoip_continent_code
  • geoip_location_latitude
  • geoip_location_longitude
  • geoip_postal_code
  • geoip_timezone
  • geoip_subdivision_name
  • geoip_subdivision_code

Populated fields for ASN (Autonomous System Number) db:

  • geoip_autonomous_system_number
  • geoip_autonomous_system_organization


  # Path to the Maxmind DB file
  [db: <string>]

  # IP from extracted data to parse.
  [source: <string>]

  # Maxmind DB type. Allowed values are "city", "asn"
  [db_type: <string>]

GeoIP with City database example

For the given pipeline

- regex:
    expression: "^(?P<ip>\S+) .*"
- geoip:
    db: "/path/to/GeoIP2-City.mmdb"
    source: "ip"
    db_type: "city"

And the log line:

" - "POST /loki/api/push/ HTTP/1.1" 200 932 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 GTB6"

The regex stage parses the log line and ip is extracted. Then the extracted ip value is given as source to geoip stage. The geoip stage performs a lookup on the ip and populates the following labels:

  • geoip_city_name: Kansas City
  • geoip_country_name: United States
  • geoip_continent_name: North America
  • geoip_continent_code: NA
  • geoip_location_latitude: "39.1027
  • geoip_location_longitude: -94.5778
  • geoip_postal_code: 64184
  • geoip_timezone: America/Chicago
  • geoip_subdivision_name: Missouri
  • geoip_subdivision_code: MO

If only a subset of these labels are required, you can chain the above pipeline with the labeldrop or labelallow stage.

labelallow example

- regex:
    expression: "^(?P<ip>\S+) .*"
- geoip:
    db: "/path/to/GeoCity.mmdb"
    source: "ip"
    db_type: "city"
- labelallow:
  - geoip_city_name
  - geoip_country_name
  - geoip_location_latitude
  - geoip_location_longitude

Only the labels listed under labelallow will be sent to Loki.

labeldrop example

- regex:
    expression: "^(?P<ip>\S+) .*"
- geoip:
    db: "/path/to/GeoCity.mmdb"
    source: "ip"
    db_type: "city"
- labeldrop:
  - geoip_postal_code
  - geoip_subdivision_code

All the labels except the ones listed under labeldrop will be sent to Loki.

GeoIP with ASN (Autonomous System Number) database example

- regex:
    expression: "^(?P<ip>\S+) .*"
- geoip:
    db: "/path/to/GeoIP2-ASN.mmdb"
    source: "ip"
    db_type: "asn"

And the log line:

" - "POST /loki/api/push/ HTTP/1.1" 200 932 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 GTB6"

The regex stage parses the log line and ip is extracted. Then the extracted ip value is given as source to geoip stage. The geoip stage performs a lookup on the ip and populates the following labels:

  • geoip_autonomous_system_number: 396982
  • geoip_autonomous_system_organization: GOOGLE-CLOUD-PLATFORM

For more information and real life example, see Protect PII and add geolocation data: Monitoring legacy systems with Grafana which has real-life examples on how to infuse dashboards with geo-location data.